Enlighment to the kid

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Back in the day, his mother once asked him when he's still in middle school, " Izuku, are you missed your father? ".

His response when that time is only, " of course not mom, besides why I need to miss him, I have you in here ", that was his response, back when he still a 'quirkless'.

When he knows he the one that made his perfect family broken.

Izuku never wants to remember his father actually. His spite of the pain that comes from his father over the time got mixed with his guilty from the pain from the reality made him confused about what he needs to actually feel about his father.

Katsuki statement makes sense for him in this situation in Izuku mind. He knows the day he gonna face his father is gonna come either he wants it or not. He can't always run away, he's not a kid anymore. Yes of course he can choose to face his father or not but he just doesn't wanna bring that burden all the time, not with the fact that his future gonna give him more luggage in his baggage with many more variety of stress and problem.

" why don't you  ask your mother ? ", Katsuki ask him

" Huh, my mother? "

" Yes, besides no one know you more than your mother "

" You know me too... Kachaan"

" No, I don't Deku. Yes, you my childhood friend and yes, our mother is a best friends, but other than that I know nothing about you "

" Kaachan... to be honest, I feel so tired to always run away from my father. I...want to hate him, resent, hold a grudge and loathe him but I just can't, why?. I...just wanna forgot everything...if I can ", poured out Izuku to his old friend. First, he kinda contemplates to said it or not, but after saw how Katsuki tries to console him he just decides to let it out to him. Maybe like Katsuki said to himself that he doesn't know him but still, Izuku believes in him.

" Don't make yourself difficult. Runaway or not still your decision. You can keep run away and then being burdened by your resentment or you face it then move on"

Sometimes, Izuku feels Katsuki can be wiser than him if he can like right now he's in his calm state. There are many times when he's back in the day lean on to Katsuki for any problem when they're still young and naive.

Feel his job done in here Katsuki decided to finish this thing. Besides, he already said what he needs to say and give some enlightenment to his 'old friend'. He starts to stand up from the sofa and go back to his room. But, before he goes, he said silently to Izuku, " Don't be like me. Being an asshole to yourself and the others. I hope you got your answer Deku ". After he said that he just straight up to the lift and go to his room, not even let Izuku answer him back.

'Kachaan...is for sure become better and mature. Nah, besides he's never being the bad guy in the start, he just goes with the wrongs crowd, that's it', Izuku thought while silently stare his friend back slowly walk away from him.

Soon, the night welcome UA. Some of the kids start to crowded the common room again. Doing whatever they doing. Izuku already back in his room a while ago. He just comes down for dinner but other than that he locking himself in his room. Everyone understood why he did that so they kinda give him space, for now, even his close friend didn't ask him much other than if he sick or not. His friend knows this's in the end still gonna be a private matter for him.

His friend just made sure he's okay and if he needs something he can just ask them. Izuku feels grateful for how his friend cares for him. It's been so long that he has friends like them that concerned for him. To be honest it's kinda teared up him a little bit.

The clock already hit ten o'clock, some of his friends start to back to their own room for doing their homework or sleep, but restless Izuku in here can even close his eyes. His mind still works tirelessly made him feel anxious and still feel bitter. At least Katsuki words to him earlier really console him and give him some enlightenment. He already decides what he gonna do but now he needs to make sure about his mom, that's why he starts to write his mom's phone number and calls her.

" Izuku... what happens? is it not every day you call me this late? "

" Dad..... called me yesterday", Izuku tells her.

"Izuku....", her cheerful tone now gone and got replaced by concern.

" He said he got my phone number from you and said that he gonna come back to Japan next week. Did you know this mom?"

" I know..."

" You...okay.. with that..?" Izuku asks her. He cares for his mother more than himself. He feels like that if his mom feels not okay then for sure he not gonna meet his father. He doesn't want to backstab her like that.

" Izuku listens to me, I know what he did in the past hurt both of us but at the end of the day, he's still my husband and your father. I know him longer than you and after heard him yesterday, well for now just say I choose to trust him ", her mother explained

" But mom he...he... hurt you..right? "

" He did...hurt me but no one is perfect Izuku. I'm in here not to justify what he did to us right. For many years I try to understand his actions to us to you especially and I still try, even now. Don't worry I gonna meet him alone. Well, a chance to asks is what I aim for in this meeting, so I try to be the strong one in here. But for you Izuku, you have choices either to meet him or not and as he said too I'm not gonna force you to meet him. If you still feeling hurt you can refuse his offer to meet you"

Izuku is in deep thought after heard what his mom said. He thinks that the pain he feels, in the end, can be compared to his mother. Her scar is way deeper than him, he knows it.

" Well, I still think about it, to be honest..."

" Don't let this problem overburden you and adding more stress, okay. I know you got a lot of stress just from school alone. So just take it slow, okay baby.."

" Yes mom, I know...I know. Well, I call you again later..."

" Okay then Izuku, remember just take it slow okay and don't overthink it too much, follow what your heart says. Call me back okay, love you Izuku "

" Love you, mom.."

Izuku just stares silently at his ceiling, his phone call just finishes for a while. Tired is an understatement for Izuku now. Advice by others still he processes in his mind and his heart still decipher to the response for the news.

' Hhmm....follow my heart say huh...', He last thought for the long nights that waiting for him.

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