Call From Him

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Izuku is restless and anxious all day and surprisingly it's not because of training nor his childhood friend. After his "talked" a.k.a fought if Aizawa said it, his relationship between him and Kacchan start getting better and slowly healing. They spent their house arrest with talking and things start well for them especially with the fact that now Kacchan knows about the secret of his quirk. Basically, he got nothing to worry about, but what is this unsettling feeling that he feels since morning.

It's not really troubling or worrisome, to be honest, but still, it's weird that the fact today is a good day as far Izuku see. He got distracted several times in class tho, but it just because he overthinking 'what is this feeling and what is the cause cuz he clearly remembers that there's nothing he forgets about, right ?',  well because of this thought and his lack of attention in class early, he got asked several times by his classmates, heck even Kacchan asked him too, but he even doesn't know too why he got this feeling. As time goes by the feeling is still settle and Izuku still confuses as heck. The class is over now and class 1-A starts walking back to their dorm.

" Deku, you okay ?", Uraraka asked him with a concerned look while walking in his side. " You really look distraught since morning you know ", she adds.

" Ah, thanks for the concern Uraraka but I'm okay. It just......I got this weird feeling since morning and I kinda overthinking it"

Some of the classmates heard what he said. Well, that explained why he looks distraught since morning. For everyone, Izuku always pays attention in class no matter what happens so it feels weird for some of them that in their class early he got called by Aizawa.

They got arrive in their dorm and after changed their uniform all of them start hanging around in the common room. The fact that tomorrow is weekend makes them more ease to play and hanging around even Bakugo or Tokoyami that usually spend their time in their room. Chatter and laugh fill the entire room. Even tho some of them just spend their time in a common room alone for doing whatever they're doing is still not make the warm feeling in that room got any lessen, that's what Izuku feels while talking on the sofa with his 'Dekusquad', till his phone ringing.

Izuku saw his phone and see the caller is an unknown number. 'Just a number ?', He thought. That's weird, he always saves everyone numbers so who is this. After he says to his friends to a little bit tone down their voice, he accepts the call and answers it.

" Hello, who is this ?", He says. He waits for an answer but there's just silence for several seconds. He confused and thought maybe is a wrong number. Before he touches the end of the call button, the caller answer "Izuku".

Now he's confused, he clearly heard this caller said his name and the fact that the tone is slowly almost whispering make this unsettling feeling that he keep feels since morning come back, it's not good. Almost everyone clearly looks at Izuku's confused expression for a second but as a good friends, their not trying to prying their friend privacy so they back to whatever they do.

" Who are you and how you can get my number ?", he trying to calmly ask but with this weird feeling that comes back again make it looks like he a little bit snapped, unintentionally.

" I...Uhm... oh God how I start this... Uhm... I got your number from Inko"

" Mom ?, may I know who are you and how you know my mom ?", now Izuku clearly looks impatient cuz why not, his mom gives a stranger his phone number and she is very protectives when it comes to privacy so this's clearly weird. Some of his friends take a glance at him and even lower their voice and chatter. Katsuki glances Izuku and he can see that there's something wrong just from his looks.

" This's Hisashi ", the caller answer his question and now all the color in Izuku face was drain. Suddenly his posture turns straight and his voice, no, his breath got stifle a little bit. He shocked and never ever expected this, especially him. Not in the past nor now.

Everyone now can see there's something wrong with Izuku. Kacchan stands from his chair and walks close to him. Every 'Dekusquad' now literally looks at him and gives concern looks to each other but, he doesn't pay attention to everyone looks at him especially after his caller identity got revealed.

" now...after several years I wait and wait, why now..?,  Is it because after sports festivals it after you got the news that I'm NOT QUIRKLESS anymore, not your WEAK PATHETIC SON !! huh..? ", first he talked pretty quietly almost like a whisper but as words by words came out from his mouth, his voice got louder and louder and he tried his best not to choke at his own tears while delivered his answer clearly. He angry, no, Izuku mad. He really snapped right now and that was a terrifying view for everyone.

He got lost in his call that he really forgot that right now he's in the common room and everyone looks at him shocked. Well, first Izuku the cinnamon roll of class 1-A explode in front of them and that's not something they expect from him, second, what he said about quirkless, weak and pathetic son ?.

" Izuku...I know I'm wrong and I'm sorry for that, you have all the rights to angry at me and I'm not gonna justify and defend my action in the past, either for Inko or you", His dad said.

" OF FUCKING COURSE YOU CAN'T. JESUS, YOU HURT AND LEAVED MOM. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES MOM CRIED ALONE JUST BECAUSE OF YOU, HOW MANY TIMES I CAUGHT MOM SAID SORRY WHILE I SLEPT JUST BECAUSE OF YOU, JUST BECAUSE YOU FUCKING COWARD ! ", at this point he almost screams at his dad and Katsuki stand in front of him silently. Izuku got drowned by his emotion that he completely doesn't care about his surroundings anymore and even his almost scream voice. Aizawa that just arrive after got dragged from his own room by Kirishima was startled to saw all his students stood silent listening to one of his problem child calls.

Katsuki takes a glance at his teacher that just came and give a 'thanks' look to Kirishima since he was told Kirishima to go get Aizawa now. Aizawa starts walking slowly closer to Izuku but Katsuki gives a sign at him and mouthing 'not now'. This's a new experience to Aizawa cuz his student for the first time got silent completely and Bakugou, his problem child #2 looks very calm too calm even, especially with his problem child #1 outbursted in front of him and everyone.

" Izuku...listen to me, I really regret everything that happens and I'm not trying to call you to hurt and make you recall for what happened in the past. I gonna go to Japan next week for several days before I back again and, I hope, I can meet you, and...I know that I don't deserve this but at least let me say sorry to you and Inko in person and, I'm okay if you don't wanna meet me, I get it and I'm not gonna force you, son. I'm not gonna ask your answer now, take your time and text me back for your answer. I'm gonna wait, goodnight son ", His dad ends the call and he is still silently in his position. His gaze got lower and lower and his sob getting louder now. He can't control himself anymore.

Katsuki lowers his position and now on the same level with Izuku, his arm silently and slowly hug his childhood friend tight and close. Izuku cries loudly in his shoulder and tries to let go of all his frustration and emotion at him. "Kac...Kacch....Kacchan...."

" I know, let it out all of them you nerd ", Katsuki said that sentences softly and silent for a long time till Izuku got exhausted and pass out on his hug. 

No one dares to move or talk after seeing Izuku outburst and I think even no one gonna function correctly after this scene. Katsuki carries pass out Izuku to his room and comes back silently to the common room. Now everyone trying to sit to their nearest chair, still processing what the heck happens early especially Aizawa. When he arrived, all his classmates gazes at his ask for an explanation.

" So... Bakugou care to explain? ", Aizawa ask him after he take decisions to sit at Izuku early positions on the sofa.

" This's not my right to tell everything but what I can say is, that bastard must have come back if his reaction like that "

" That bastard you mean his father? ", Kaminari asks his friend.

" OF FUCKING COURSE HE IS, PIKACHU !! ", okay now he kinda outburst too. After the calm himself a little bit he continues his explanation. " That bastard left aunty and Deku alone after knowing his son quirkless and to be honest I don't really know the detail but what for sure is, that guy is a nightmare for them, especially for Deku"

Now, this's a piece of new information for them. Well, everyone knows that Deku is a late bloomer but they don't know how late is actually he got his quirk and how he lives in pain for years and years. It's painful for them to saw that their kindest and happiest friend or student through this kinda nightmare. Everyone now screams the same thoughts " Help him "

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