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Yoooo, I'm back peopleee!!!!

Welp, sorry for the delay for the new chapter guys. I am truly and beyond sorry for not updating way more sooner. Thanks to all you guys that put my book on your reading list and patiently waiting for my story.

So.......for starters this happens,

6,18K READS and 154 VOTES🤯🤯🤯

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6,18K READS and 154 VOTES🤯🤯🤯

6,18K READS and 154 VOTES🤯🤯🤯

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WTFF GUYSS!!!. I'm surprised how this book reaches so many people. Once again, I'm super grateful for your appreciation for my book.❤️💜🥰😘😍

Okay, so I kinda feel guilty for left-behinds y'all for so long, and bcuz that I decide to update double chapter for you guys to fill up your curiosity. Tbh, I've been stuck for so long to continue this story. There are so many drafts that I keep revise and change just to get the right nuance of the situation that I want. Of course, perfection is not what I chase over it, but more into the right and proper dynamic from the character, and in here of course we talk about Izuku and with the others.

There are so many times when I try to write about what Izuku gonna feel or do in the situation I put especially when the times he tries to make sure about his feelings to his father, I just stop wrote and start to feel unsure. Rationalize your feelings is hard especially if you deal with the pain and trauma from the abandonment. Izuku is someone I believe the kinda person that tries to rationalize his trauma so he didn't feel hate for anyone, but of course, it's not something easy. Well, he's in the end still a kid that just mature much faster than he is supposed to be. The pain of course still gonna be there. My goal for his character is to slowly progress express and appreciate his own emotion.

Sometimes when I wrote this book, I feel way too personal. With my experience with a family like that made me realize how hard to actually hate someone. There's a time when I saw my friends that in the same situation like me end up hating their own parents and blame them but, I don't wanna be like that. I believe parents have their own reasons either it's acceptable for us or not, that's why I made Izuku character didn't hate his father for what happened back in the day but more into the point of how his father cowardly ran away and just muster up his courage to try to reach out his own family now. Human emotions are complex and hard to decipher even if you put your brain in maximum just to logical it.

So...you see, Hisashi left behind Izuku when he still a kid like maybe around when he's in kindergarten or elementary school, so Izuku grow up feeling like his father almost like a stranger. His father sure left behind some memories and maybe every month send some money for him but he's in a sense still a stranger to him. I try my best to portray Hisashi as a good guy that just being clouded with the wrong mindset, that's why he chooses to cowardly leave his family. Hisashi loves Izuku, he loves his kid but in the end, he just can't accept the truth, that's it. Left behind your family and abandon them is actually way more common than people thought. There are so many examples of abandonment in families and of course with many reasons, either from the situation that forces it to happen or maybe a different perspective or beliefs can be the reason behind it. Sometimes you hate or maybe hold a grudge to your parents for a long time but still, your parents, in the end, are just a human that full of flaws. Expectation and standards you give to your parents in the end just gonna hurt you cuz you feel they just failed you.

I believe learnings your emotions and try to become better sometimes can be done even if you do not go to a psychiatrist. The point is to actually start to appreciate your well-being and you can realize it from many sources or maybe some events or situations that put you to start to see yourself. The decision to get better still, in the end, gonna be in your hand. Antagonize other people for the miss fortune that happen rather than move on is definitely way easier but I think it's not worth it. A life full of hatred is tiresome and with add the nonstops harsh reality from life, it's suck guys. Seriously why made life way more shitty than before with a grudge that for sure just gonna be a burden in the end.

I want every character that I try to portray to still give the sense of reality that everything that happens is not just black and white. Every character has different layers and approaches in many situations. The irony and tragedy in the past of course is happening and gives a scar but it's not something to stop everyone for move on. Life is full of many twists either in the form of the character of people or the situation that happens. Not everything needs to be overdramatize and make it more complicated than it's supposed to be. Compromise the pain and your feelings is important but to destroy your life just because you being hurt it's not okay. In the end, human being is always have flaw and make mistakes but human is a creature that always gonna learns and become better as time goes by, you just need to acknowledge and accept the pain, learn it and move on, that's it.

This book is my way to let out my thought and perspective about pain from the past. Writing a story with the base from trauma is hard and sometimes can be frustrating. I hope you guys got my message that I try to show it in the books. Mental health, trauma, and pain I believe is something that can't be avoided, so you just need to acknowledge and overcome it.

I don't wanna preach too much so I just gonna end this author note now cuz this's just getting longer and longer. Sorry for the slow update once again, my college just kills me with tons of homework. Thanks too for the votes, comment and put my book in your reading list too🥰❣️
Have a good day y'all 🥰🥰

Oh, and if maybe you need someone to talk or maybe Idk to have critics or ideas you can hit me up in the message, I definitely gonna reply to it😌

See you guys in the next chapter😉

See you guys in the next chapter😉

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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