Chapter 11

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Just a few minutes had gone by when Jeremy finally heard her enter. Her rosy fragrance lingered in the air and as a reflex action Jeremy's hand tightened around his glass. He took a really deep breath before turning towards her and what he saw almost took his breath away. She stood there elegant in that long black dress. When Jeremy had personally decided on that dress, he had never imagined that when she'll wear it, she'll look so majestic in it. Her hair was pulled up in a high bun leaving just a few strands to cup her face. 

Evelyn felt a bit shy over Jeremy's reaction. He was looking at her like she was some kind of a ghost or maybe she had grown a few extra heads. His look wasn't disgusting her but actually making her feel warm. She gathered courage and looked directly in his eyes but found that his eyes were already staring into hers.  

He walked into the living room as Evelyn, too, slowly walked towards the center of the living room, none of them breaking their eye contact. They stopped a feet away from each other. Jeremy started to say something when suddenly the doorbell rang. The ring broke the trance they were in and brought them back to reality. Jeremy cleared his throat and walked towards the door to answer it.  

"Good Evening Senor! Good Evening Madame! Your dinner table is ready. I just wanted to ask that by what time would you be coming down and wanting us to serve?" A bell boy asked in a very rich French accent.  

Jeremy turned towards Evelyn and answered questioningly. "Five to ten minutes I suppose?" Evelyn nodded a yes. She felt different as somebody for the first time had asked her about her opinion. Even though it was a very small thing, she still felt good about it. 

"Very well. Thank you Sir." And with that he left. Jeremy closed the door and walked back to where he was standing before the bell had rung. 

"I will just grab my coat and then we are good to go. I take it that you are ready too?" He asked her. 

"Do I not look ready?" She asked back nervously, to which she received a throaty laugh from Jeremy. 

"I didn't mean it that way." He said smilingly. "By the way, you look really—— umm beautiful." He said it with a boyish grin and almost felt shy over it. 

"Thanks, but it's actually the beautiful dress you brought. It's majestic!" 

"You are majestic!" Jeremy replied almost too instantly and without even thinking twice. She had heard him and now stared back at him with her mouth open. "I mean the dress is majestic and then you are majestic and then it's all majestic and now I don't even know what I am saying." Jeremy kept on vomiting out words without even thinking. He didn't understand why he felt so nervous. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down. That was when he heard her laugh. He opened his eyes and saw that she was laughing at him. That was the most melodious laughter he had ever heard. "Anything funny, my lady?"  He asked her smilingly. 

"I don't know, you tell me." She said taunting him. 

"I think we should head down now. Shall we?" he asked her grinning widely. 

"Yes sure." She answered still laughing. 


"So Eva, what are you planning to do now?"

"Huh?" Evelyn almost didn't listen to him till she realized he was talking to her. You are Eva! She was still taking in the ambiance around her. She had obviously dined fancy but she had no experience in a fancy dine-out. She still couldn't understand why everyone was staring at them and she felt nervous about it.

"Don't worry about them, they are staring because you look astonishing tonight. The men are staring coz' they want you by their side and are obviously jealous of me and the women are staring coz' they are jealous of you coz' you are beautiful." He tried to calm her down but the last three words made her flush even more.

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