Truths and Lies

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Jeremy and Evelyn were lost in a beautiful trance that had taken them to a completely new experience. They both could feel their heartbeats accelerating, drumming in their chests and making a soothing rhythm. Their lips moved softly against each others, as if trying to match the rhythms of their heartbeats. Jeremy placed one hand around her waist, to secure her position close to him, while his other hand played leisurely in her cloudy hair.

A crackling thunder suddenly broke out, breaking the trance they were in. Both of them popped open their eyes, instantly at the same time. As the realization of what had just happened finally sinked in, Evelyn tore herself away from his hold and went to stand infront of the sofa. Her cheeks burned, along with every cell in her body. Her heartbeats still hadn't come back to its normal beating speed. Her body suddenly felt a chill, as if it needed the warmth and closeness of Jeremy's body. She quickly dismissed the thought and tried to calm her thoughts.

Jeremy could feel the flow of doubts in her reactions and even in himself. He wasn't feeling sad or guilty over what had just happened, though missing the feel of her soft body against his rough one, her soft plum lips, her little heart beating against his chest and her innocent eyes boring into his.

She cleared her throat and broke the silence between them, the silence that was not just awkward but also demanding.

"I think we must sleep. It's pretty late. Good night. I'll see you in the morning. " And with that, Evelyn turned and started to leave without even waiting for Jeremy's reply. She took a few steps towards her room, and then abruptly stopped midway, as if waiting for something. Maybe secretly hoping to hear his reply but she got nothing, so she started walking again.

"Have a nice sleep." Suddenly his deep voice broke the silence between them. His voice made her heart melt and a shy smile covered her face but she didn't stop, too afraid to showcase her heart's feelings. And he didn't even stop her.


Next morning came late as the two of them lied awake for most of the night, counting the long minutes until the sun rose again.

Soon after the sunrise, Evelyn rose from her bed, with a childlike excitement within, and went on to freshen up n get dressed. She opened her almira and took out her new red and white dress and placed it on her bed. After a refreshing bath, she got dressed and just as she was about to leave her room, she saw herself in the mirror, a radiant little girl cheered brightly at her, adorning a smile, she had not seen in a long time. Then suddenly all the color left her face as she stared at her impression now.

My face. E, your face. Half of the Paris is searching for this face right now. Stay back, don't go out. But what would I tell Jeremy. He'll suspect and moreover I can't forever stay in this room.

Evelyn realized that this was her only time, when she could go out, stay in shadows of Jeremy, not get noticed and thus, she can look out for her way outs.

She went into the washroom and found an electric curler. She looked at herself in the washroom mirror and then at the curler in hand, and she knew she had a mission in hand.

Jeremy, now dressed, stared blankly at the sofa set, remembering how she had fallen on top of him. A genuine smile covered his face. He turned towards the balcony and saw a bright but a sober sun shining, giving no glimpse of the dark stormy night that had been.

He heard her bedroom door open and then again, before he could see her, he was greeted by her rosy fragrance. He turned and almost didn't recognize the girl standing in front of him. Her long wavy dark brown hair were down to short curls shaping her face and she was wearing the red-white dress he had bought for her the day before. She looked completely different.

"Good morning stranger!" Jeremy said in an almost surprised tone.

"Ha-ha. Yeah I know. I just had a bad hair day today, so I thought why not just curl it up?" Evelyn tried her excuse but it came out with a nervous laugh. Jeremy was a bit confused that whether he should really trust her but then eventually he just gave in to her excuse.

"Well, what can I say, you still look pretty a-and g-gorgeous a-and b-beautiful a-and..."

"I think it's a beautiful day today, no?" She tried to change the topic and lower down the heat between them. Jeremy, now terribly embarrassed, couldn't think of what to say and stood dumb for a while.

"I'm s-sorry what? Oh the day, yeah it's beautiful. So let's get out of here and eat something. Cool?" He asked trying to move on from his stupid schoolboy stuttering.

"Yeah, sure. By d way do you have sunglasses, I'll really need them in the sun. As you know, I don't have mine."

"The sun isn't that harsh you know. But yeah, you can take my aviators."

"Oh thank you so much." Just to be sure, hiding yourself is so difficult E!"


They had breakfast at a small coffee shop just beside the hotel and decided to take a stroll down the road. They talked about the city's architecture and the places Jeremy had traveled and in no time they started to gell well together. Evelyn was on her guards all the time, to avoid all kinds of suspicion, to the person she was with and to the people on her lookout.

They reached a flower shop and Jeremy asked her to pick her favorite ones. She was really taken aback as nobody had ever asked her, her choice, in anything. So she stood back and went through the flowers in front of her. It was then that she heard someone call her, 'E', she thought she was just thinking too much. She even ignored the second call. And then she heard her full name being called out, 'Evelyn'. She instantly recognized the voice and turned.


"Oh my god, it's really you." They ran to each other and hugged and let go of the tears. Evelyn was the one to break the embrace and she looked at Martha intently.

"How did you recognize me? Wait, am I recognizable? Oh shit, they must be knowing it's me."

"No E, relax. You are not recognizable. I had hard time confirming me it was you. But I've practically raised you, that too like my own, how do you think i won't recognize you. But what are you doing here child, you must have been long gone."

"I know. A few things happened and.." And midway her sentence, she realized that Jeremy must be watching this reunion. She turned and saw he was indeed. He was confused, angry, had a deep frown and was staring at her hard. She thought she'll get back to him later, but right now she needed to talk to Martha and tell her to send Jake to help her. But before she could, Martha spoke.

"E, you need to leave the city, maybe country as soon as possible. That crazy man has blood on his head and is ready to murder anyone who gets in between you and him. I need to rush now, before any of his men see me with you. Go away child, just run away. You are getting this chance to finally live, so please live." And with that Martha just turned and walked away.

Evelyn felt so helpless and weak right there, that she wanted to just drop on the road and cry her lungs out. But nothing, not a drop came out, just hopelessness succumbed her. She started feeling wobbly legs but Jeremy catched her before she lost her balance. She looked at Jeremy, and saw disbelief in his eyes, and that look did hurt her, as if it was like the last blow to her guts.

Just then Jeremy's cell phone rang but his arms were occupied carrying this mysterious lady and in attemp to get his phone from his jacket's pocket, it fell. Evelyn quickly gained ger balance and instantly picked up his phone, as if that would make him forgive her. While handling the phone she accidentally switched on the loudspeaker and an angry John's voice came screaming out of the little machine.

"Okay man, I know you've got problems with your wife but dude, please go back to her, so that she could stop eating my head. And seriously man, where are you?"

"You're married?" It was all she could ask as the same disbelief look, that Jeremy held a few seconds back, now shaded her face.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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