Chapter 10

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It was six in the evening when Evelyn's doorbell rang. She was sitting in the balcony enjoying her view and contemplating about her plan. She got up from her chair and moved towards the door to answer it, wondering who it might be as she hadn't ordered any room service.

As she opened the door, her eyes opened wide as she took in her visitor. Jeremy stood there looking handsome and charming as always with a wide boyish grin pasted on his face. He was wearing a fine office suit but his hair and tie were kept unmanaged which made him look much younger. Evelyn's heart started beating faster the moment she glanced into his bright, but tired, blue eyes. She couldn't understand whether she was excited and happy or shocked to see him.

"Wouldn't you invite me in?" He asked laughingly, which sprang Evelyn out of her thoughts and she quickly looked down, the embarrassment making her cheeks red. She nodded slightly and moved away from the entrance, opening the door wider for Jeremy to step in. She then closed the door and moved to Jeremy to help him out of his coat. It was now that she realized that his hands weren't free and had a few packages and a big bright red rose. Jeremy saw her intently looking at what he held in his hands.

"Umm.. Yeah, these are for you." He said as he handed over the packages to her. She seemed reluctant to have anything more from him, after what all he had already done for her. "Please." He pressed with a charming smile. As she took the packages from him, he held another of his boyish grins. "This is also for you." And with that he handed out the red rose to her.

"Thank you so much. It's so beautiful. But, what are these?" She asked as she pointed to the packages. She was still blushing from the fact that this handsome guy had actually brought a rose for her. That too a red one.

"I thought you've been in the same dress for two days now and so you might need a change. By the way, you look fresh and nice. I was hoping to see you in a dirty dress, smelling bad maybe." He said with a laugh.

"Oh yes, actually I got the dress dry cleaned by the room service. And thank you for being so generous to bring me these dresses but I'm sorry as I can't them. It's already been..."

"So much burden on me and I don't know how I'll ever repay you for such gratitude and oh your kindness and blah blah blah!" He said as he cut her sentence midway. Once he completed the sentence for her, both of them started laughing.

"No, but I'm serious." She said smilingly.

"I know you are. But you know what, I've already purchased these two pretty dresses and I'm not gonna make a fool of myself while returning these. So please kindly have them."

"Okay." She said as a bright smile lighted her face. She couldn't remember the last time when she had genuinely smiled like this. Maybe when Mum and Papa were still alive. The simple thought took her smile away and she quickly turned to hide the sudden change in her expression.

But Jeremy had already caught her theft. He decided to stay silent about it for the while as he was enjoying the casual and light mood he was feeling around her.

"You know what, just go in and try out both the dresses and then at seven we can go down for dinner, if you'll be able to get ready by then."

"Umm..okay! I'll be ready before seven." She turned and told him smilingly. She started to leave but then she turned again and picked up the rose she had kept on the table and then without meeting his eyes she left the room.

As she left the room with the rose, Jeremy happily smiled. He felt like a kid whose date was getting ready in the next room for their prom night. He went to the bar area and eyed her bedroom door for a while which was still slightly open. I hope she likes the dresses. Oh stop Jer, stop acting like a school kid. What do you have to do in whether she likes it or not. She's a no one to you. He quickly cleared his thoughts as he still was expecting something out of their evening together. But what?

Evelyn placed the rose in her hand on her dressing table, still smiling as she thought about the shy-kiddish grin Jeremy had when he was giving it to her. She then sat on the bed with the two packages and started opening them up. The first one had a beautiful white knee length dress with beautiful red work. It was a noodle strap dress and looked bright and cheery, nothing like she had ever worn. The second package held a stunning full-length black gown with detailed black shimmer work. It was a sleeveless dress with round neck at the front but a stunningly deep back. A perfect combination of elegant and sexy. But she had never worn such dresses and so she instantly decided to go tell Jeremy that she can't go with him.

What are you doing? Do you want to break his heart? You are no one to him and still he's putting so much to make you feel better. Can't you just put on the damn thing, maybe in a way to thank him? She thought and sat back. She looked at the dresses again and felt nervous. "You can do this E. Take this as a new start to your life. Just be confident about it and you can pull this off." She told herself. She stood up and looked down at both the dresses. The black dress suited best for the dinner tonight. She picked up the white- red one and hanged it in the wardrobe.

Jeremy had nothing much to do, so he fixed himself a drink and checked out his pending emails on his phone. After a few minutes he heard the click of a door opening. He looked up at her bedroom door but it was still in the same way, closed but still slightly open. He was about to get back to his mails when he saw her. She had just come out of shower and had a towel wrapped around her. She had no idea that the door was slightly open and she was in full view to Jeremy. She had her back towards him but even the slightest amount she showed was more than enough for him. She was just a few steps away from him but he had to literally chain himself to his stool so that he won't go out to her. Her hair was wet and kept down, a few brown strands seductively sticking by her shoulder. Jeremy closely watched the water droplets slowly crawling down her thighs, torturing him to his edge and making him wonder how it would feel to taste those droplets on her. He felt a sudden thirst, as if his throat had dried.

Evelyn lowered to pick up her dress from the bed and the towel that was covering her upper thigh went higher. Her bent was just for a fraction of a second but the amount of current it sent through Jeremy's body couldn't be calculated. He nearly lost his mind and started to stand up when Evelyn took her dress and went to the bathroom to change. He sat back on his seat and drank down his drink in one big gulp. His heartbeats were still racing and her images were still screening in front of his eyes. He stood up from the bar and went out to the balcony. The cold breeze felt like a shock against his heated skin. He looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds coming in. It was going to rain. Rain. Water. Droplets. Her legs. Her skin. "Ahh.. I hope this woman doesn't become the death of me."

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