The Bad Blind Date (Part II)

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A/N: Hello! Another one-shot has been uploaded! I have returned to from my hiatus and I shall be publishing about three one-shots a week! This is a sort of sequel (PART II if you want) to "The Bad Blind Date," which I wrote before I went on my hiatus. It will be featuring TWO couples from Percy Jackson and The Olympians, who get together through Percy, Annabeth, Jason and Piper's...ahem...influence. I hope you guys will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing. Thank you all for your support and don't forget to leave a review or comment to tell me what you think!

P.S—In this one shot, Rick Riordan's characters will not behave in the way they are portrayed in the books and other fanfiction. Thanks.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Piper," The blonde haired girl smiled, shaking Piper's hand.

"Yeah." Piper's eyes flickered over to the green eyed boy who had spoken. "We've heard so much about you from Jason."

Her lips pulled up in a small smile and she chuckled, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "It's great to meet you too. Jason's always going on about both of you." She hadn't been able to meet her boyfriend's best friends because she'd been too busy getting used to the city and scouting for a job.

Next to her, the blond haired boy groaned, letting his head fall in his hands. "You're embarrassing me, Pipes."

She snorted. "We've been dating for four months, Grace. You should be used to it by now."

Jason groaned again while Percy and Annabeth laughed.

"We can talk better over some coffee. Wanna tag along?" Annabeth asked her. "The café outside campus opens in a few minutes. If we leave now we should be there in ten."

"I would love to, thanks," Piper answered. She felt a hand slide in hers and turned to flash Jason a smile.

"Let's go then," Percy stated.

As they walked across campus grounds, Piper's thoughts drifted to how she met Jason. She let a smile play on her lips. Their first meeting had been....unusual. He had almost knocked her over with his car and then he had asked to drop her home as a way to make it up to her. She had been wary then. Piper had been new to the city, having moved there to start off on her own. She'd left her dad in California and had come all the way to the other side of the country to escape from her problems. That was seven months ago. She would always regret that decision. But being with Jason made things a whole lot better. Especially when they had started seeing each other four months ago.

"We're here," Annabeth's voice broke through her train of thoughts. "It's empty, though."

"Fine by me," Piper replied. She was sure she would have been recognized by one of the customers (who she guessed were usually students from the university) if there were any. And she didn't want that. She had left her father for a reason. The only reason the paparazzi hadn't gotten a whiff of her move to New York was because her father had made sure to make it discreet. And the New Yorkers didn't seem to notice her because they were always busy with one thing or another. So far, only Jason knew her father was Tristan McLean, and she was hoping to keep it that way.

Jason held open the door and Percy and Annabeth walked in. Piper leaned forward, standing on her toes and giving him a small peck on the lips before walking in. She was aware of his flustered stuttering as he followed after her and she chuckled. Even after all the months they had spent together she still managed to ruffle him when they kissed in public.

The four made their way to the nearest table in sight and sat.

"Hey, guys," the voice caused Piper to look up. "Isn't it a bit early for coffee?"

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