The Bad Blind Date (Part III)

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A/N: Well, PART III of The Bad Blind Date is here, like I promised. I hope you all like it. Don't forget to leave a review or comment to tell me your thoughts and a vote or kudos if you like the chapter. I'm going to give a list of all the couples and people who have been brought together since PART I of this...story.

RECAP: So, Percy and Annabeth were a couple and Jason had recently broken up with Reyna. Percabeth attempted to get him to move on by setting him up with their single friends (like Rachel and Drew) on blind dates. After a horrible date with Drew Tanaka, Jason almost knocked Piper down with his car. To make it up to her, he drove her home and they got to know each other better during the ride. In PART II, we saw Ethan Nakamura and Bianca di Angelo (who hated each other after some big fiasco which caused them to break up after three years of dating), get together once again through Piper, Jason, Percy and Annabeth's influence. They had been set up together on a blind date and were then locked in a private room to resolve their differences. Hazel, Bianca's sister was dragged along to Katie Gardner's restaurant, to act as moral support during the date, was left behind after the door to the private room was locked. She then met Frank Zhang, a friend of Ethan's, who had been brought along to be his wingman. We all know what happens after that. :)

On with the story:


"Luke is such a prat," Thalia complained. "I can't believe he did that."

From beside her, Annabeth sighed. It hurt her to see two of her closest friends arguing. Thalia and Luke had had a falling out the night before and Annabeth had been the only one who could get her too stop raging when Jason's older sister stalked into their dorm, looking like she wanted to slit someone's throat.

"Neither can I," Annabeth murmured. "But don't worry, I'm sure he'll apologize soon."

Thalia snorted at her words. Annabeth didn't even believe what she had said. Both of them were hard headed and extremely strong willed. Luke wouldn't apologize to Thalia, because he probably thought that she had overreacted, and Thalia wouldn't even step foot in his residence hall to say sorry because she was too proud to do so. Sometimes Annabeth hated her life. But she couldn't expect all her friends and the couples around her to have a smooth relationship like she and Percy did (well, they did bicker occasionally but it was never something too serious).

"We should get ready," Annabeth stood, detaching herself from her sulking friend. "Percy's mum invited us all to Thanksgiving dinner. We're meeting up with Bianca, then heading to their new apartment."

"Luke will be there," Thalia flopped onto her bed. "I'm not going."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Yes, you are. Get over yourself, Thalia. You don't have to see him if you don't want to." When the black haired girl didn't reply, Annabeth sighed. "Look, you missed the brunch Sally hosted during Easter. She's going to be disappointed if you don't show up today."

Thalia huffed, and Annabeth smiled slightly, knowing her ploy had worked. Her roommate grumbled some obscenities under her breath, and said, "Give me twenty minutes."


"I can't believe her," Luke threw his arms up in frustration.

Ethan snorted from beside him. "Stop whining like a little bitch, Castellan. We have places to be."

Luke sniffed, then groaned. His eyes fluttered over to his phone on his bed, and sighed. Thalia hadn't called yet. She also hadn't come over. He knew it was futile; she would never apologize first. And neither would he, for that matter. He had done what he had done for her. For them.

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