The Unseen

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So, uh @Underdog2009   requested this percabeth one-shots. I don't ship Percabeth in fanfiction, because I've read to much betrayal stories, but I'll try. (I only ship canon Percabeth- Rick Riordan's. Fanfiction Annabeth is...ugh) So, Here ya go

- Ken

His eyes flickered open and he blinked. Where was he? He looked around, alert and on the ready, scanning his surroundings. He was in a huge...cabin? There was several shelves of books and desks and suitcases, and the walls were covered with grey paint. His eyes widened as he realized where he was. But that couldn't be possible. He couldn't be here. What had happened? Why was he in the Athena cabin? 

He glanced around again, still weirded out, and he moved before he could process what he was doing. He got to the door of the cabin, and his hand reached out for the doorknob, to open it and step out. The door swung open, and he leaped back just in time, avoiding a slam in the face.

She stood in the doorway, her eyes red, her hair scattered, and tears falling. Annabeth looked up, stiffening slightly, and let out a small gasp of surprise, dropping the books she was holding in surprise.


He didn't get to complete his sentence. Annabeth sprang forward, tackling him in a bone-crushing hug. He winced in pain, and bit his lip to keep from yelling. He felt like he was being burnt, and electrocuted. Annabeth pulled away, and the pain subsided.

"Y- you're alive," she sobbed. "You're actually alive. I thought I'd lost you."

He flinched back as she reached out to touch his cheek. He wouldn't be able to handle the pain. 

Annabeth's hand dropped down, and a hurt look appeared over her features. "Why-"

A blond head stuck into the cabin, and a voice came with it. "Annabeth? Who're you talking to?"

She turned to her brother. "It's Percy. He's alive!"

Malcolm blinked, looking around uncertainly. "Uh, okay. Come on, we'll be late for the campfire. sing-along."

Annabeth's mouth open and shut as Malcolm walked away.

Percy looked around uneasily. "What am I doing here? I was in Elysium five seconds ago."

Annabeth didn't seem to hear, and grabbed his hand, making him wince. "Come on, let's go. The others are going to be so glad."


Annabeth bit her lip as Piper gave her a pitiful look. "I'm sorry Annabeth, but...Percy can't be alive. He was killed by Enceladus during the battle."

She resisted the urge to smack the daughter of Aphrodite. Annabeth spun on her heel, glaring at her boyfriend who was supposedly dead. "You're not helping by just standing there. Say something!" 

Percy blinked. "Uh...hi Piper?"

Piper gave Annabeth an unamused look. "Who are you talking to? There's no one here."

The daughter of Athena turned to Piper, her eyes wide. "Can't you see him? He's right there!"

Piper gave her a sad smile, shaking her head, and began walking in Percy's direction. "It's been three months Annabeth, I'm sorry I have to say this, but the sooner you accept that Percy is dead and get over it, the better it'll be for all of us."

And she walked forward, and towards Percy. It wasn't the fact that she couldn't see him which shocked Annabeth. It was when she walked right through him that she almost fainted.


Percy clutched his chest in pain as they walked. Annabeth wasn't ready to give up, and had dragged him over to the dining pavilion, where she knew someone else would be. "Come on."

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