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*plane ride to hawaii*

(H) it's so beautiful here

(K) yeah it is

(H) ready to go in the water

(K) yeah let's go in

(H) *walking down to water*

(K) *pulling haruhi in water*

(H) kyo

(K) *laughing* got you

(H) yeah you did *splashes kyoya*

(K) the ocean is so clear

(H) yeah it is and all to ourselves here

(K) since it's the resort side that we own

(H) *holds kyoya's hands* with only the two of us

(K) *lifts haruhi in arms*

(H) *wraps legs around kyoya's waist* your really wanting to do it in the ocean

(K) people hook up anywhere

- night time -

(K) to our first night as husband and wife

(H) cheers to that *drinks champagne*

(I) hello sir

(K) hi who are you?

(I) I'm ichiru, I'm on a trip and needed help getting through some part of the island

(K) what part? This island is reserved and owned by the ootori family

(I) I'm actually in the ootori business but took a vacation

(K) what part of the business?

(I) faxing

(K) well ichiru I'm kyoya ootori son of yoshio ootori this is my wife haruhi

(I) your apart of the ootori family, and nice to meet you

(H) nice to meet you

(I) this is where I'm needing to go *shows map*

(K) it's three rights down that street

(I) thank you have a goodnight *leaving*

(H) you too

(K) now where were we?

(H) getting ready for our fun night as husband and wife

(K) *walks to bedroom* let's enjoy our night

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