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(K) I want to marry haruhi

(R) are you sure about marriage? Haven’t you only been with her for a year now?

(K) yes, but I’ve known her for five years already

(Y) if it’s what makes you happy son, then I say go for it

(R) you have always been someone she loves

(K) I want to do it tonight

(R) you make my daughter so happy, but I accept it I’d be happy for you to marry my daughter

(Y) you may marry her son, but do you have a ring to marry her?

(K) *opens box* I bought it a month ago, I was thinking of proposing to her on the day of our anniversary and then waited now I’m ready to make haruhi my wife

(Y) it’s your choice son, what would you need help with?

(K) I have my back up with the guys, they were told about the plan last week and they got everything set up for tonight

(R) will make sure not to spill the surprise

(K) thank you father and soon to be father in law

- proposal night -

(H) dad where are we going?

(R) I wanna show you something back in this garden your mom loved visiting, I took you there as kid but we never really went that much any more

(H) I'd love to see it

(R) follow me this way

(H) coming father

(K) *waiting in garden*

(HH) *standing beside door with kaoru*

(T) she’ll be here soon

(R) go in

(H) *walks to doors*

*hikaru and kaoru opens doors*

(K) haruhi

(H) kyoya what are all of you guys doing here?

(K) *holds haruhis hand* come with me

(H) what’s going on?

(K) we’ve made it to a year already, but I knew this since the day of our anniversary I’ve always wanted to make you mine forever after five years of knowing you I made my choice on what I want to do with my future

(H) what is that choice kyoya?

(K) I want you forever haruhi I love getting to be your boyfriend spending everyday with you now I want to be more than that *bends down on one knee* haruhi will you marry me?

(H) yes I will

(K) *places ring on finger and kisses haruhi*

*everyone clapping*

(H) so everyone was a part of this?

(K) yeah I came up with the plan around our anniversary before it, I’m happy to have this future with you haruhi

(H) I’m happy to

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