Chapter 8

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Nines slowly woke up and he jumped forwards but stopped as he saw Gavin, "G-Gavin is that you..?",Nines spoke weakly in a soft voice as he put a hand towards him, "Yes it's me Nines, I'm here,",Gavin replied softly taking his hand and holding it. Nigel walked over and looked at Nines and Gavin and sighed lightly as he walked infront of Nines, "Here let me help, he needs new bandages", Nigel said calmly as he helped Nines up and took him to the bathroom to get the bandages Gavin started to follow but stopped thinking he could trust Nigel. Nigel began to take the bandages off of Nines as he tilted his head, "Why are you helping me?", Nines asked as he was extremely confused considering Nigel shot him not too long ago, "Listen, I know we don't like each other but I think we got off on the wrong foot, so I thought I could make it better." Nigel replied as he started putting new bandages on his gunshot wound. Nines sighed and nodded lightly, "Ok fine, I guess we got off on a bit of the wrong foot," Nines responded as he was very hesitant to trust Nigel but he calmed down since he had to think about Nigel helping him aswell. Nigel finished bandaging it up and he stood up as he helped Nines out of the bathroom and to the couch again as Gavin smiled at them for once, "I see you two are finally getting along?", Nigel nodded at Gavin as Nines sighed and shrugged "well I know androids don't need sleep but I feel like you should get some rest, I know what your gonna say, but still my point still stands." Gavin said as he walked around the house, "fine, Gavin I guess I should, but only because I know you won't stop annoying me until I do." Nines replied as he layed down on the couch and closed his eyes falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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