T.L.O.R- Chapter 6

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The Life of R'lyeh- Chapter 6

Temple/Island Beach S. P./Seaside- Year 14

She was flying endlessly over forests ablaze in autumn as a setting sun bathed the world in old gold... As her phone pulled her from the dream Rene uttered a sigh, glancing at the clock as she fumbled for it. 4:40. Ok.

"Ssgt. Rene 741."

"Rene, it's Aunt Connie, have you seen V?"

"Uhhh, yup, he's passed out right next to me." She nudged him and got an "I'm here." as he took the phone.

"Yeah, Aunt C... give me a half hour and see if you can get Tor and Taran, Ok?"

He handed Rene her phone and stuck his nose in her hair. "Waxing," he said softly, "I think I like you better furry."

She eyed him pityingly. "Please shut up. What happened with Sargon?"

"Come in while I take a shower and I'll tell you."

She listened as he ran down his meetings with Corinne, Tor, and Sargon, as well as on the two watchers that Becca had spotted. "The mandate doesn't change much, just gives us cover. Anyway, how confident are you in the drones?"

"They're rated for 6 hours, they're charged, the diagnostics are 100%."

"Well, get ready, you're coming... Dr's orders."

Walking into the Library they saw quite a few of the family roaming the stacks and scattered around the room deep in study. "A little rockin' the boat and it's all hands on deck." He mumbled, and Rene nodded. As they approached the Librarian she inclined her head towards the study, and after a stop for two large tankards of ale they entered the book lined sanctum. His Aunt was there with Shakti, Tor, Taran, and Akashi, one of Taran's Rangers.

"This is us." his Aunt said. "V, why don't you get us up to speed?"

Again he launched into a litany of his encounters, detailing his impressions of Corinne and his concerns about Sargon's open ended investigation. They spent some time on that, then moved on to the evening's main event...  "At six Shakti's speaking to the Assembly. Tor will sample Rene and appear as her. Rene herself will be waiting in her room for me to return with the truck. I'll park along the perimeter wall, so get the drones down there and wait, Rene. When I pull up fly 'em onto the roof facing fore and aft. Free ride down to around 23rd Ave. and hit the air just before we enter the park."

"What happens then?" Shakti asked. "What are we doing during all this?"

"Slow down. Before the Assembly Tor meets me in Rene's room, then he and I leave with Rene watching our six. Aunt Connie, you and Shakti need to talk to Becca 53 about any images she's gathered and check them against our new database right after the Assembly. Now, what about some energetic cover?"

"Not a chance," his Aunt replied decisively. "Last night was like hitting a hornet's nest as far as the factions are concerned. We've spoken to the leaders of The Four, the Cthughans, Wiccans, Shieldmaidens... No one's coming out on either side of this issue yet, but everyone's on high alert. You're on your own for now."

"If I might interject?" Taran asked. "We may be able to even the odds some without attracting attention. Akashi has asked to be included in our endeavor."he said, turning to the young woman sitting next to him.

"I guess everyone knows me." she said to nods and smiles. "I haven't been around much lately. I've been scouting from Port Jarvis down through the Gap, following the river and checking out the smaller towns. Then I cut Southeast at Lambertville and worked my way back here... A lot of those towns have seen an increase in abductions over the past month or so."

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