T. L. O. R. Chapter 7

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The Life of R'lyeh- Chapter 7

Square/Abyss/Temple- Year 14 Abu Simbel, Egypt- 1246 B.C.E.

"You know, we need more of this." Rene said, leaning her head on V's shoulder as they watched the crowds gathering along the promenade. "This is the only thing I do need." he replied. Their seats gave them a perfect view of the Square and the multitude of clubs and shops across the way as they prepared for the evening's insanity. With a flash The Abyss came alive with it's signature ultraviolet glow, instantly turning those crowds into an undead horde as the marquee strobed the evening's enticements:

                      Welcome to the Abyss... There is no escape... Tonight's offerings

                                                         Hawg Cracklins & The Herd

                                                            Nocturnal Submission

                                                                       The Dark

                                           Groove Box in the T'cho T'cho Lounge

"Good news. When I spoke with the Colonel he said we're authorized any equipment we need, which means-"

"I can bring Wilma." Rene said with satisfaction.

"Tomorrow morning take the truck and head to the armory. You saw what room we have in the Suburban, so go high impact and small size."

"You got it." she replied as he cued his mic.

"Shadow."- "Copy."- "We're heading out."- "Copy."

As they crossed the Square V noticed a larger than usual post Festival crowd. The Cthughans were setting up for their midnight fireworks display and giving exhibitions of fire breathing and torch juggling as the crowd oohed and aahed dutifully. The Shieldmaidens were also on hand to assist with injuries or provide information on missing loved ones. Ah, but now there was a table set up outside Cthulhu's fortress manned by scarlet robed Sacrificers. And a larger than usual bunch of Azathothians, lounging about and looking for action as a bored horde of multisexual hookers displayed their goodies nearby.

"Shadow."- "Copy." "Get Shakti to put an drone on the Fortress."- "Copy."

"So what's with this K guy?" Rene asked. "He was before my time."

"Before mine too, almost. That was year 8. We didn't hear much about it. He was relieved of duties and after a while he just wasn't there."

"That's nuts. I mean, when does that happen?"

"What I think is this: The rumor was he was working C.I. just before he was let go. He got the goods on someone and they freaked out. They wanted him gone, but he's got the evidence and that's his insurance. I know he didn't want to leave, and he's been straight with me so far. And he was military before The Rising. Not many of them made it, so I'd say he has powerful friends."

"All that makes sense, but it's just conjecture." Rene said.

"Conjecture and past experience. Hold up." he said, eyeballing the area low key. "Shadow."- "Copy."- "We're staying on the deck. 1 stays with the table and 2 records 360."- "Copy."

"Why the change in plans?" Rene asked as they moved on.

"Look around. This crowd seem normal for a Wednesday night?"

Most of the businesses on the Square were now open; Dante's Rings (spikes /studs /piercings/ tattoos) had a crowd, and even Old McDonald's Farm had a small group waiting. Then Silicone Sally fired up with her variety of modifications, beef ups, and genetic alterations, all of this occurring to the sensuous beat of Groove Box as a gaggle of Shantaks passed over heading for their feeding grounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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