Chapter 3

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In the middle of the night, Derek was awoken by a blaring alarm. He shot up, and looked at Meredith, who's eyes were darting across the room. "Mer, im here." Derek said before remembering she couldn't hear. He came into her line of sight and grabbed her good hand.

Meredith relaxed slightly at the sight of her husband. She was in so much pain. She watched as Derek looked around and grabbed a whiteboard and Marker and started scribbling away. "Are you in pain? Squeeze my hand once if you are, twice if you aren't." He wrote. Meredith hesitated before squeezing his hand just one.

Derek frowned and pressed the call button. Meredith tried to motion to the whiteboard so she could write, and he surprisingly understood, placing the whiteboard on her lap and the marker in her arm. "Kids?" She scribbled messily. "At Alex's house. All good." He wrote back. "Hurts." Meredith scribbled again.

Derek kissed her forehead gently and moved the hair out of her face. "I know." He mouthed sadly to her. She shakily grabbed his hand and squeezed. Bailey came in after answering the page and saw right away that her intern was awake. "Grey!" Bailey exclaimed with a reassuring smile. "What's wrong Shepherd?" She asked quietly, directing her attention to Derek. "She needs more pain meds. Morphine." He replied.

Bailey checked her chart and nodded, agreeing with Derek. She pushed the drugs and gently rubbed Merediths good shoulder in support. Once the drugs hit her system and her grip loosened in dereks hand, indicating that she was well on her wAy to sleep.

"Can you stay with her for a moment? I have to make a call." Derek asked. "Sure. Who you calling?" Bailey asked. "The president." He replied. "Shepherd-" Bailey started, about to go off. "I'm resigning." He said before she could finish. "Oh. It's about time then." Bailey replied in relief.

Derek stepped out and quickly called the presidents office. "Dr Shepherd, what can we do for you sir?" A voice answered the call. "Can I speak to the president please?" He asked. "Sure." The voice responded. After a moment of static, the president answered. "This is Barack, how can I help you?" He asked. "Hi Mr president, it's Derek Shepherd." He said. "Oh, Derek, what's up?" Barack asked. "I'd like to resign from the NIH." He blurted.

"Oh-why?" Barack asked. "My wife was injured recently and I want to be closer to her and my family. It's a pain to travel there and back." Derek replied. "That's understandable. Okay Derek, I'll send you some papers to fill out. I hope your wife pulls through." He said. "Thank you for this opportunity Mr President." Derek said. "Of course Dr Shepherd. It was a pleasure working with you." Obama said before hanging up the phone.

Derek entered the room again and looked at Bailey. "I have to sign a few papers and then I'm free." He said as he sat down. "That's good. I'll reinstate you as a neuro attending. I'd make you chief, but your sister-" Bailey started. "Amy can have it. I want to spend more time with the kids and let Meredith work some more." Derek cut in. Bailey nodded before bidding goodbye and leaving.

Derek sat down on the couch and fell asleep again, knowing that he would definitely need it.

In the morning, Derek woke up on his own to his friends doing rounds on his wife. "Meredith grey, broken ribs, tore ACL on the right leg, broken collarbone on the left, a broken jaw, frsctured cheekbone, and a grade 3 concussion. She woke up around 1 in a lot of pain so we gave her 3ccs of morphine." An intern read.

"Good morning Derek." Mark said as he and Lexie came in. "Morning." Derek grumbled in response. "Uh, Karev told me to tell you that Zola's in daycare. Do you want her tonight or want lexie and I to take her?" Mark asked. Derek thought for a moment before signing. "Can you take her? I'll see her soon, I don't want her to think I left again." Derek replied. "Sure." Lexie said with a nod as she plopped down on the other couch.

After rounds, Derek took a moment and examined Meredith. Her face was bruised and swollen, like he's never seen before. She was still beautiful to him though. Her right leg was braced, and her left arm was in a sling. Her jaw was wrapped fully around her head with tight ace bandage, and her ribs were bandaged as well.

Meredith finally woke up again, this time not in too much pain, just a very annoying headache. Derek, Lexie, and Mark all smiled at her. "Your back?" Meredith scribbled. Derek smiled and nodded. "I resigned from the NIH. I'm staying here." He wrote back. Meredith looked surprised. "Are u sure?" She wrote. SHe didn't want him to give up his dream for her.

"Yes. It was long hours and barely OR time. Besides, I hate being away from you and the kids." Derek scribbled. "If your sure." Meredith wrote back, her energy fading fast. "I'm sure. Get some sleep. I love you." He wrote. "Love u too." She scribbled back before drifting off to sleep once again.

"Is that how your gonna communicate for now?" Lexie asked. "I don't see any other way how." Derek replied. Lexie nodded. "It seems to work, that's all it matters." Mark said. "Yeah." Derek said quietly. "Lex and I gotta go. We'll visit soon." Mark said as he said goodbye.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, leave a comment or vote or soemtning. Or don't, I can't make you. Anyways, hope you guys are all doing well and if you have any ideas for future chapters, feel free to drop them!

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