Chapter 7

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A week had past since Merediths 2nd jaw surgery. She had wires on her mouth now, not wrapping anymore. One night, Meredith woke up, and she was very unhappy, so she let the tears fall.

Derek walked into Merediths room and froze when he saw his wife sobbing on her side, clutching a pillow. "Hey what is it?" Derek asked softly as he came closer. Meredith just kept crying. He climbed into the bed behind her gently and whispered into her ear. "That's it. Let it all out. All the pain, all the sadness." He whispered as he stroked her forearm gently.

"Hang on. Wipe your nose. Your snotty." He said with a chuckle as he handed her a tissue. "Seriously woman, this is a serious condition." He said with a laugh. Meredith laughed at the joke. That's when it clicked for Derek. "Wait a minute, can you hear me?" He asked seriously. Meredith looked at him and nodded, eyes wide in surprise. "You can hear me?" He asked as he snapped close to her ear. Meredith smiled the best she could and nodded. "You can hear me!" He exclaimed happily. "Oh!" Derek gasped as he kissed the side of her forehead and pulled her close.

Meredith had finally had her hearing back and she was very happy. A few days later, rounds happened again. "We should get her up today with crutches. The ACL needs at least some movement." Callie suggested as they went over Merediths chart while she slept.

"She can't use crutches." Derek said, referring to her collarbone. "Oh, damn." Callie muttered. "Then maybe take her out of the room? Anytning would be better than her sitting there. Get her into a wheelchair and just go for a walk." Callie requested. "Okay." Derek said with a sigh.

"Has she seen the kids yet?" Bailey asked. Derek shook his head. "She's asked about them constantly, but I'm not sure she's ready. She doesn't want them to be scared." Derek explained. "Scared?" Alex asked. "Scared of her." Derek elaborated. "Well, if she wants to just let me know and I can help with the makeup." Arizona offered. "Thank you." He said with a soft smile.

Meredith woke up a little while later and looked around. When Meredith first woke up, the wires scared her. they didn't scare her anymore,  but she really didn't like them. Derek walked in with Callie and everyone else and handed her the whiteboard and marker. "How you feeling?" He asked loudly. Meredith made a face that said she was okay.

They all did their checkups and before leaving, Callie gave a nod to Derek. "Cross, get me a wheelchair." Derek requested to his intern. Cross hurried off and arrived back minutes later with a wheelchair. Meredith looked questionably at it and looked back to Derek. "We're going for a walk." He said simply. Meredith gave him a look that could only be described as a shocked look. "Let's get you into the chair." He scribbled quickly.

Meredith, figuring there was no way out of it, complied. Derek all but lifted her out of the bed and placed her into the chair, her leg resting on the stand. It didn't hurt as much as Meredith would've expected. Derek began pushing her down the hall. "This is kidnapping." She scribbled quickly on the board and held it up so Derek could see. He chuckled and kept on moving, humming the words to 'My Girl'.

Derek and Meredith got outside and he sat on a bench with her close by in the chair. They sat in peace for a while before speaking. "Lovely day out, isn't it?" Derek asked with a smile. "Meredith, I haven't been a good husband lately. I let work consume me and I got in over my head. When I got the call when you were first attacked, I....I couldn't wrap my head around it. I was in shock. I can't exist without, you. And when I got the call it felt like time stopped ." Derek started.

Meredith swallowed back tears and looked out to the world. "I've been absent, Meredith, like I was with..." He trailed off. "But I'm gonna change that. I love you so much Meredith, and I love our family. I took you all for granted. And I'm so sorry." He said.

He waited for Merediths response and knew those words would determine the rest of his life. "It's okay." She wrote simply. She forgave him. She didn't entirely blame him either. She wanted to him to go, to go and be happy with his work. She never wanted him to leave, but if it made him happy that's what she wanted. So it was her fault too. Both of them were at blame.

She reached over and grabbed his hand. Derek decided to lift her up and sit her on his lap, her casted leg dangling over his legs. He held her close, careful to avoid her arm too. She rested her head on his chest and sighed. "I love you. So much." He said softly. Meredith smiled and the look in her eyes told him the same thing. Meredith snuggled into his chest, savoring the warmth of being in his arms for the first time in a while.

They went back inside the hospital and Derek helped into bed again. She was wiped from the walk, and even though she didn't walk, just the rush of actually moving was exhausting for her. Derek kissed her Goodnight and for the first time in weeks, she fell into a comfortable sleep.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you have any ideas for next chapters, feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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