Ms. Maraj

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Carmelo High
3:28 Pm

I'm finally walking into the last period of the day. Which is the only class I don't have with Kelly. I go to the back of the class because that's where I like to sit and pull out my phone waiting for class to start.
While I'm sitting there, some skinny girl comes and sits by me.

" Hey, I'm Robyn but you can call me Rihanna what's your name?" "Hey Robyn, I'm Beyoncé, but you can call me Bey

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" Hey, I'm Robyn but you can call me Rihanna what's your name?"
"Hey Robyn, I'm Beyoncé, but you can call me Bey."
" Didn't I just tell you to call me Rihanna?"
"I mean yea but I like Robyn"
" mmmmmmm ok" she said then pulled out her phone until the bell rung.
Mm I wonder why she got mad. Anyway here come this fine ass teacher.
"Good afternoon class, my name is Ms. Maraj and I'm you new biology teacher."
She said
" A little bit about myself, my first name is Onika, I'm 23 years old, I love to paint, but I also like to rap. Now with that being said I want us all to go around the room and tell me something about yourself starting with you." She said pointing to this light skin girl, I think her names Jhenè.
"Hi, my name is Jhenè........"
See I told y'all that was her name. Yerp a bitch to fye at the shit. I knew it. Who's a fye ass bitch . Gone head and say it. Oh yea it's me. Beyoncé Giselle Knowles.
I was zoned out so long I ain't even realize that it was now my turn to go.
"bey" Robyn whispered tapping me.
"Oh hey, my name is Beyoncé but some of y'all know me as bey. Ummm I'm 17 I turn 18 on September 4 so uh save da date. And I like to play basketball and have fun." I quickly said.
Ms.Maraj looked at me and hummed
But after that I quickly zoned back out because it's the first day what we finna learn my guy.
"Beyoncé!!!" Ms. Maraj shouts
"Yes ma'am?" I reply
"Let me talk to you after class"
Shit wtf I do.
"Ok" I say as I roll my eyes
Finally the school bell rings and I try to sneak out but Ms. Maraj catches me before I could.
"Beyoncé come back." I turned around and sighed in defeat
"Yes ma'am" I came and sat by her desk.
"Why were you zoning out in my class?"
"Um Ms. Maraj imma be honest I really don't even know"
"Mmmmm ok well I don't need you doing that for the rest of the year babes I would really like for you to pass, you seem like a really smart kid. Don't let anything get in the way of you getting the hell out of high school ok?"
"Yes ma'am." I say with a smile. I thought she was gonna reprimand my ass. I got up and started to walk out her class
"And Beyoncé?"
I turned back around
"Here take this"
She slid me a sticky note
"Don't read that until you get in your car ok?"
I nodded "Yes ma'am"
"And stop saying ma'am it makes me feel old I'm only 23"
"Uhhh ok. I'll see you tomorrow"
I walked out her class room and saw three girls across the hall
"Heeeeyyy daddy" the all said
"Hey y'all" I said back then they went back to their conversation. I quickly went outside and got in my car and drove home. When  I got home I took off my clothes leaving me in a sports bra and boxers. And I start to clean out my pockets. As I'm getting everything out my pockets I see the sticky not Ms.Maraj gave me and unfolded it. The note said
Call me if you ever have any problems or you need help
I quickly grabbed my phone and called the number
It rang then after the third ring she picked up

Hey y'all I'm finally back after school and depression kicked my ass but how do you guys feel about this chapter
Dm me if you have any suggestions that would help me a lot

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