The call

715 30 11

Her house
7:23 PM

"Hello"  the voice called through the phone
"Hey is this Ms. Maraj"  I asked
"Yes this is she. Who am I talking to?"  She said
"It's me Beyoncé."  She chuckled
"Oh I see you got my note. I was starting to think you through it away or something" she said giggling through her words
"Nah I just forgot it was in my pocket" she hummed
"But ummm I have a question"
"Why did you give me your number"
"One because i know that you could be a really good student but I see that you might need a little push"
"Annnnndddd also I think you are really cute, but no one could ever know I said that or know that you have my number ok!" She said in all seriousness
"I gotchu im not that type no way"
"Ok cool."
We sat in a comfortable silence until I decided to speak up
" So Ms. Maraj tell me sum about yaself" I said in my country ass accent
" Well like I said before my name is Onika but my friends call me Nika, I'm 23, my favorite color is pink, and I like to rap and paint."
"So you like a lil Kim in a way" I said laughing
" HELL NO! You sayin that made me wanna punch you get the fuck outta here"
"Ok ma I was just joking calm down"
"Mhm well I gotta go but you have a nice night and be good"
"You too Nika"
" Uh uh only my friends call me that chile"
"Well we can be friends if you let me"
" Mmm I'll think about it girl. Now get off my phone"
"Ight Ight good night"
"Night" she said before she hung up
" Damn I really just got my teacher number" I thought out loud
I laid down watching The Backyardigans.  Call me a child all you want but this show is the shit. I watched it until I fell asleep

Hey y'all I know I've been gone for a min but I just needed a mental break but I am back and better than ever so be expecting more updates soo

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