The session

293 11 0

Carmelo High
3:35 PM

The bell rang for 7th period to start 5 minutes ago and Ms. Maraj isn't in here yet. I was starting to think she wasn't here today and got worried cause wtf am I supposed to tell my mom.
" Yo you think Ms. Maraj is here?" Rih asked
"Yea it's been almost ten minutes since the bell rung" Jhenè added

"Idk yall but I pray she shows up soon. Or that's my ass" I mumbled the last part. And almost like she heard us Ms. Maraj walks through the door like she ain't ten minutes late.

"Why are showing up to my class late" Aubrey asked Ms. Maraj

"Hahaha Aubrey, if you must know I had a very important conversation with the principal." She replies

"Uh oh Ms. Maraj what did you do?" some girl asked her

"Why yall up in my business. But if you must know I was trying to get approved for a field trip for you guys. Last period was my planning so I went up there to talk to her and it ran overtime." She told us and the whole class erupted in cheers and whoops.

" All right you guys settle down. Today is a get your life together day. What that means is if you have any missing work I will except it for full credit. If you have no missing work you may pull out your phone but if I have to tell you more than once to turn it down then you have to put it away and do work for another class. Does everyone understand?"
"Yes" The class says
"Ok good. Beyonce, come see me at my desk."

"Ouuuuuuuuu" the entire class says

"Mcht man if yall don't shut up" I reply as I approach her desk.

"I got your text this morning I'm sorry for not responding back, but yes I can still tutor you today. How long do you need this session to be?The school closes at 8 so obviously not a very long time." She explained to me.

"Umm I was hoping for at least a hour and a half." I told her

"Ok so until 5:30?" She asked me

"Yes" I replied

"Alright hun. Go to your desk and do some work while I look over the grade book so I can see what I need to help you with." She told me. Without saying anything else I went back to my desk and got out my laptop so I can start on my missing work.

While doing my work I felt my phone buzz.

Bey are you free tonight?

Nah not really

Is there someone else!?!?
Seriously Bey!!

Not now Katy. I got shit to do.

Im not even with that girl. She just be randomly showin up to my crib. Stressin my momma and shit. Speaking of my momma let me text her.

Hey ma Im staying after school for tutoring

First Lady💕
Ok good elle. What time will you be home?

No later than 6:30

First Lady💕
Ok baby be safe

Yes ma'am I will

When I was done I saw Ms. Maraj looking at me so I quickly put my phone away and started on my work

I was so caught up in doing my missing work that I didn't even realize that it was 4:00. While everyone was leaving the classroom I stayed in my seat.

"Yo Bey yo coming?" Jhenè asked as her and Rih were leaving

"Nah remember I told yall this morning I was staying" I replied

"Oh yea I forgot have fun" She told me. I didn't reply I just nodded and started back on my work.

———To be continued—————

Hey yall
Did you guys like this chapter?
If you have suggestions dm me and ilk try to incorporate it.
Anyways luv ya bye!

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