First day of school

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Beyoncé POV
August 8, 2017
Carmelo High
8:56 AM

" Damn I made it in time" I said  as I got out my car. " Giraffe!! Giraffe!!" I hear Kelly call but I'm not gonna answer until she calls me by my damn name. "Mchmm man BEY I KNOW YOU HEAR ME" " Good morning Kelly"

"Nah fuck you" she said " Had me yelling in this damn school you know they don't like me here" she said like I gave a fuck. " That's what yo ass get. Keep fucken with me hoe." I said

While walking I seen this fine ass bitch, she had curves all in the right places. " AYE MA" I yelled but this ugly ass trick turned around and smiled. "No not yo ugly ass" she scoffed, flicked me off and walked away.

I quickly ran up to the girl leaveing Kelly slow ass behind. " Excuse me pretty girl, I saw from down the hall and couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk to you" I said flirtatiously. She laughed in my face. ( Rude ass bitch) " What you laughing at"

" Do you not know who I am?"

Obviously not I've never seen you before sis! I thought to myself

"No I do not" I said quickly. " Well I'm Ms.Maraj I'm the new Biology teacher"  OH SHIT " Oh my fault I thought you were a student. Well I guess I'll see you around" I said before I quickly ran off.
" Did you get her number B.B" Kelly said laughing. " Fuck you- you slinky ass bitch" she stopped laughing and walked away see now it's my turn to laugh.

Sorry y'all I've been mad busy but here you go Ik it's a little short but I'll update again soon

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