Learning Ms. Maraj

365 16 5

Carmelo High
While Ms. Maraj wasn't paying attention I opened the messages with Katy

 Maraj wasn't paying attention I opened the messages with Katy

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Immediately my face turns in disgust. I been told this girl no mf strings

I shook my head knowing that Ima have to deal with this later too

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I shook my head knowing that Ima have to deal with this later too. You never know with this girl, she might pop up at yo window.

Ms. Maraj turned as I was shaking my head and asked "what's wrong, is the work getting to hard for you. If so just let me know I don't want you to fail."

"No I'm fine I was just thinking bout some. You never told me why you don't got a man."

She slightly rolled her eyes and smiled

"Im working on myself, I don't have time for all that."

I guess she on her boss shit or whateva

"Oh okay do yo thang then"

She giggled and turned around

You know what they say, if you make them giggle you can make that ass jiggle

I'm just saying I'm 18 now. She ain't that much older but ima keep it professional

"So are you going to college" Ms. Maraj asked while I was daydreaming about smoking a fat ass blunt. Come on now I've been here for an hour and have finished five assignments. I have to do two more to be finished completely with it and I'm so ready.

"Yea ima go but I kind of don't wanna do the four year thing. That's too long for me."

"That's understandable but what do you wanna go for?"

Why she asking all these questions like she gone be my professor

"I wanna be in the WNBA so that's the only reason I'm going"

"Okay okay. A lot of people say your good I just haven't had time to go to a game yet"

"Well you need to come out and see da kid. Im a baller on da court" We both laughed

"Did you like college? I would think that it would be harder for what you went for"

"Yea it was hard and how y'all act at this school, it wasn't worth it" she laughed

Ian gone lie, I laughed to cuz we are horrible and I know we are.

Forgetting about leaving anytime soon, We got deeper into our conversation. Before I knew it, I looked at my phone and it said 5:35

Shit I gotta go. I already know ma gone trip if I'm late.

"Ight Ms. Maraj I'll see you tomorrow I have to head home."

Ian gone lie I wanted to know more about her so I asked

"Could we do tutoring tomorrow also, I didn't understand one of the sheets"

I was lying of course but it was peaceful asf I would mind going to tutoring more.

" Yes we can. Same time tomorrow?" She asked me

" Yea thats good"

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow"

Leaving the school I saw that Kelly waited for me talking to some cheerleaders when she saw me she told them bye and came over to me.

"Hey how'd it go?"

"It was good. I got a lot of work done but cmon I think ma cooked"

Without another word we got in my car and went back to my house. Kelly rolled up while I was driving so we smoked in my car at when we got back to my house. We went in the kitchen to eat with my mom then went upstairs where we both fell asleep.


Yall alr know what imma say.
Yall fuckin wit the book so far?
Lemme know yall opinions frfr
Anyway 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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