Chapter V: Bonding

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          Santiago had left hours ago. The aforementioned departure was awkward, to say the least. Neither of us knew if we were in a situation where he should stay, or not. It was now around five o clock. Milo and I were watching a children's show in the living room. He was laying down with his bear between his arms. It was both a cute and comical sight, as the bear was larger than him. The two of us were both surprised when the doorbell rang, a melodic chime ringing throughout the apartment. I got up, not sure who it could be. I heavily doubted that Santiago would leave, only to return a few hours later.

          I looked through the peephole cautiously, there stood a tall man with grocery bags covering his arms. I opened the door quickly hoping to relieve him of the weight, they looked heavy. He smiled at me, his teeth pearly white.

          "Grocery delivery for Blue Moore. Mr. Vicario sends his regards." The man said with a polite nod. 

          I was a bit taken aback, but thankful nonetheless. I knew I needed to get some, it was relieving that I didn't have to risk anything by going out. Stepping forward, I took some of the bags and dropped them onto the counters. The man in the suit unloaded the rest, giving a waving hand. And with that, he was on his way. I closed the door and went to stand back in the kitchen. Milo was watching curiously from his place on the couch.

          "We should make dinner tonight. Do you want to help?" I asked him, the corners of my lips turning up. Milo nodded, sitting his bear down onto the couch and moving to stand next to me. I lifted him onto my hip, beginning to sift through the bags.

          "Let's see what we've got." I muttered, letting Milo see the contents of the bags.

          There was an overwhelming amount of groceries, and with that came the many options of what I could make. My mind shuffled through the things I had cooked before, soon landing on a dish I made when I was child and left home alone.

          "What about chicken and vegetable stir fry?" I turned to look at Milo, his blue eyes were curious and attentive. Milo nodded, though I don't think he would've opposed had I said something else. I just hoped he wasn't allergic to anything. I would have to ask him, though, I wasn't sure if he'd even know.

          Putting Milo down, I began to put away the groceries, leaving out the ones I'd use for dinner. Milo helped me, taking stuff into the pantry. When everything was all put away the sun was starting to set. The days were getting shorter and shorter as winter approached.

          I sat Milo down on the counter, his small legs swinging over the side. I started washing the vegetables in a strainer. When I was done washing them I walked over to the light switch and flicked on a couple. The room was darkening quickly. 

          "Do you have a favorite color?" I asked, setting the vegetables down on a paper towel to dry them.

          Milo nodded.

          "Is it red?" I queried, a tone of humor coming to my voice.

          He shook his head rapidly.

          "Green?" I grinned, poking his belly lightly.

          He shook his head again, giggles erupting from his mouth.

          "Purple?" I asked and this time he nodded.

          "Good choice, mine is yellow." I stated and dropped the vegetables on the cutting board I had pulled out. 

          The kitchenware was all new, the knives were worryingly sharp. I'd have to get everything childproofed. I began chopping the bell peppers, onions, and carrots. The broccoli was still set to the side, the stems already having been removed. I cut the vegetables, setting the knife down into the sink. 

          "I'm gonna show you my favorite animal and then you can do the same?" I hummed and he nodded.

          I brought my hands up to the top of my head to mimic ears. Ignoring how embarrassed I'd feel later, I oinked and moved around in a circle. Milo laughed joyfully, his hands slapping down on his knees. When I was done I placed the vegetables in the pan that was now heated up. Milo waited for me to turn around before showing his. He put his hands together and slithered his body.

          "Snake?" I guessed. Milo nodded his head excitedly. 

          It only took another twenty minutes before the meal was ready. It was something easy I had cooked a thousand times over. Though, I left the last step undone. I set the ingredients for the sauce out, bringing a chair to the side of the counter so Milo could properly reach. I let him make the sauce, watching how his eyebrows furrowed with determination. It was such a simple task but it made him feel accomplished. I wanted him to help and be including, but every other step required heat or a knife. And both of those are big red flags for toddlers, I'd undoubtedly like for him to keep all of his fingers.

          I made us both bowls and set them at the table. Next, I poured both of us a glass of lemonade, courtesy of Santiago's grocery order. When the table was set I sat Milo at the small glass table by the window. While we ate, I kept finding myself looking out the window. It was now completely dark. The cars moved back and forth in the form of red and white streaks. The sight was beautiful. There were still people walking the streets, and even from up here, I felt like I could hear them. Even though I in fact couldn't, the sounds of the city were ingrained in my brain, no matter the district or street.

          When Milo finished his food I could tell that he was tired. We both put our bowls and cups in the sink, closing up for the night. I followed closely behind Milo as he picked up his bear. When the bear was 'safely' set on the bed, I helped Milo take a bath and get dressed in his new pajamas. For tonight, he picked out a yellow dinosaur-printed two-piece. I tucked Milo into bed, his eyes already drooping.

          "Do you want the nightlight on?" I tilted my head to the side in question.

          He nodded his head. I walked over and clicked it on, the nightlight reflected blue stars onto the ceiling. Milo's eyes brightened as they scanned the them. I couldn't help but wonder if Santiago put thought into the things that were purchased, he couldn't have. He most likely had his assistant panicking and rushing through the store with such a small window of time.

          I rubbed my hand over Milo's hair and tucked him in tightly under the covers. I wanted to give him a goodnight hug but I wasn't sure what he was comfortable with yet. Leaving the room I sighed, it was weirdly jarring to suddenly be alone, considering the past twenty-four hours. But it shouldn't feel weird, I've been alone for years on end. I said to myself quietly and walked leisurely to the master bathroom. 

          When the bath was finally done filling up, I let myself sink into it. My bones relaxed in an instant at the touch of the warm water. I let the palms of my hands run over the mandarin-scented bubbles, hearing them pop at the soft touch. Looking at myself in the large mirror across from the tub I grabbed a handful of bubbles and rubbed them on my chin. I felt like a child again, laughing at the view of what looked like a white beard adorning my face. I rolled my eyes and let it slide off, quieting down. Everything felt so surreal in this moment, listening to what was almost silence, besides the quiet sounds of water.

          Everything felt uncomfortably and oddly perfect in a way I couldn't even begin to explain.

authors note: hi! i really enjoyed this chapter, it was interesting to write. and i hope you enjoyed it too! stay safe everyone. <3

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