4. Dates and Breakups

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It was already Saturday, the day of Ron's final date with Lavender.

Ron felt nervous, he was finally going to be free of all the clingy-ness and such sort. And Lavender was such a smart and kind girl, she deserved better, and better than him, of course.

Ron figured that he would get straight to the point the first second he saw her.

Would he feel bad?

Well, of course he would, but it was best for the both of them, Ron knew that, but he didn't know about Lavender.

As he was walking out of the school to Hogsmeade, he noticed both Harry and Hermione chatting with both Draco and Pansy Parkinson, who would ever know that the two were such talkative people, assuming that they were.

But Ron had stayed back, not wanting to butt in on their conversation because they had just looked so happy, with Harry laughing along with Draco and Pansy at Hermione jokingly, as she punched Harry playfully in the stomach. 

Ron felt envious, both Harry and Hermione both looked so happy with their significant others, while Ron was about to dump Lavender in the nicest way possible.

Lavender had asked Ron to meet her at Madam Puddifoot's, which was a tea shop that many of the students at Hogwarts adored.

As he walked in- the smell of freshly brewed tea had wafted into his nose. The aura around the shop was a mix with lovey-dovey feelings and a hint of tea.

As he had observed the shop farther, he noticed a few students, supposedly on dates with each other. There with male students with female students, male students with male students, and females with females, basically just students being happy with their significant others.

Once done observing, Ron noticed a blond sitting by herself in a round table at the back of the tea shop.


As she looked up from an object on the table, Lavender had noticed Ron.


What Lavender had said caused people in the shop to stop talking and look directly at Ron or Lavender, but suddenly went back to chatting with each other.

Ron had nervously slid into his own seat in front of Lavender.

"Lavender can we-"

"So what do you want to drink, Won-Won?" Lavender interrupted.

"Uh, I'm fine without anything," Ron said as he urged to get to the point.

"Oh really then? That's fine," Lavender said as she waved her hand to get the attention of Madam Puddifoot.

"But Lavender we really need to talk-"

"What about?" Lavender said as she interrupted Ron once again.

"Listen Lavender, you're a sweet girl and all but- I don't think this relationship with work out, I'm sorry."

Lavender's mood suddenly changed, from happy to serious.

"Wait...What did you just say?" Lavender's voice had raised a little higher than usual.

"I- I think we need to break up... y'know I have a life of my own, and you always trying to be in it, whether I'm eating... or something else, you always want to be included. And I know someone else who would enjoy that, but that person isn't me, and I'm really, really, really sorry."

Lavender was silent, and Ron knew that tears were threatening to fall down her cheeks, and he felt bad about that, but this was for the better of both of them.

Ron left the tea shop before Lavender became a sobbing mess.

As Ron opened the shop door, he knew he had done the right thing, and the first thing he did was telling his friends what had just happened.

And what he should do now.




580 words!

Ok so how was this chapter?

Ron and Lavender finAlly brOke Up

I wonder what will happen to them in the next chapter?

That Little Question: what's your favorite book?

Author Answer: Heroes of Olympus >:3

ok bye bye

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