Complete The Puzzle.

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(Warning: Contains Sexual Content)

Chapter Fifteen

I lay in the grass as the sun beamed down onto me, Ahh summer time, how it rolled in so fast, and Stan was out picking up the twins when I heard a car pull up and running, I sat up and suddenly I had two bodies jumping into me. That wasn't Dipper and Mabel. "Millie? Billie?" I looked behind them and saw Louis.

"Y/N! How's it been?" He asked walking over.

"Um good," I said and the twins went to look around. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"We're staying, I assumed we could stay at our parent's house since it was in my name, and yours was the camp, rem-" he froze.

"I don't." I laughed and he nodded smiling and that's when I saw Ford walk out holding a paper and he stopped.

"Louis? Kids?" He mumbled and I rubbed my head.

"They're staying in gravity falls," I said and he hummed nodding. "Where exactly is the house?" I asked and he hummed.

"On the other side of town." He said and I looked at Ford.

"I could remember everything if we visited," I said and Ford hummed walking over.

"Fine but we'll bring stan too, that way you're safer, and Soos, Melody, and Wendy can watch the kids," Ford said and I nodded, that was when the El Diablo pulled up and I looked at the car as the twins ran towards me but skidded to a stop.

"Who are they?" Dipper asked confused seeing the other pair of twins at my side.

"Well, you two are Stanley and Ford's nephew and Niece. These are my Great Nephew and Niece. Millie and Billie, this is Mabel and Dipper. Soon we'll all be a part of the same family though." I smiled and they looked at me, nodding, and Dipper and Mabel came up hugging me tightly. I put them down and Stanley walked over and looked at me. Ford gave me a nod and I winked before walking off to talk to Louis in his car.

"We should probably go as soon as possible," Louis said and I nodded turning and looking at Ford and Stanley.

"Guys, we should probably get going, can you send the kids inside.?" I called and Ford gave me a thumbs up and the kids ran inside, I hummed and got in the front, and moments later Stanley and Ford were getting inside the othet car. Louis drove to the house.


We stepped out and I felt Ford grab my arm, I stopped. "You guys go ahead, I need to talk to Stan for a moment," Ford said and Y/N looked at us giving a shallow nod before nervously going to the house.

"What is it Sixer?" I asked and he rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses, he then looked at me with a much nervous face.

"This is hard for me to say, Stanley. But I need to permit you.. to do what you have to, to get Y/N to remember you. And I know you know how." Ford said looking at me intensely, he took a gulp, oh, and I only nodded before moving towards the house that they had walked into. Y/N was looking around and I looked over to the kitchen and saw the old furniture.

"A Fixer-Upper. But shouldn't take long to get back to the way it used to." Louis said and we all heard a creaky door and saw Y/N standing at the basement door looking down. Her eyes were doing that distant thing they did when she was remembering. Ford went to move but I held my hands up, and he stopped. I walked over and she was suddenly leaning back onto me as I touched her, her hands gripped my arms tight and I followed her down the stairs as she held on tight, I heard the door creak closed behind us, and at that moment I knew we were completely alone together, in the basement of her nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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