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Chapter Nine.


One moment I'm dancing with Ford, the next I'm watching the sky turn red.

"KIDS!" I yelled and Mabel jumped into my arms. Dipper into stans. Weirdmageddon... Bill had taken over and I didn't know where the kids were, Ford either. All I had was Stanley and our group, that was until now, as I and stan switched kids to embrace, I clutched Dipper to me now, and I felt him pull back and look at me. He shook his head and I sunk to my knees.. no.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Bill took Ford."

I zoned out, Ford, again... Stanley pulled me along and we were now talking to the kids. "Gruncle Stan, how did this all happen?" Mabel asked and we walked along, I was holding Dipper's hand.

"So I was putting signs up out back when the sky started vomiting nightmares, Y/N was in the shake waiting for me to come back. I listened to a lot of AM radio so I knew what this meant. The end of the world. What I didn't expect next was whatever you, Y/N and my brother did with the unicorn voodoo, made the shack invincible to weirdness." Stan sighed.

"That was the point," I said turning from them and rubbing my chin. "The issue was I wanted to go out and find you all but... I saw the bubble and the eyeballs... I'm glad you're all okay."

"Y/N that does make sense, it bill-proofed!" Dipper said looking at me and I smiled at him. "But what about the town? Are we're gonna let Bill win? What about Ford?"

"Wherever they are I'm sure they're fin-" Suddenly stan hit the remote and we witnessed the towns folk turned into a throne of agony. I got on my knees and sighed.

"At least what family I had left wouldn't have to see this," I said.

"Mom Dad... I know they're bad but not even they deserve this.." Pacifica said and I gently pulled her into my arms and she hugged me crying softly. Suddenly Mabel stood on the multi-bear.

"Guys don't you see?" She said. "All our friends need us, but we can only save them if we fight back." She said and I stood with Pacifica in my arms.

"Mabels right, Bill wants us to run and hide. And he wants us to think he's invincible. But Ford told me before he was captured that he knows Bill's secret weakness.." he said and I nodded.

"He does!" I said. "He never told me, because he thought I'd be at risk but he does."

"So now, if we combine all of our forces, and our strength, our smarts! Our- whatever Toby has. Then we might be able to rescue Ford and learn Bill's weakness. And save gravity falls!" Dipper said and I smiled.

"Kid. You are one tough cherry." I said.

"Woah woah! I think we're forgetting who's in charge here, it's not like we could bring the shack with us it's the only thing that can protect us!" Stan said and Fiddle grabbed my arm.

"Whoo hoo! Stifle my timbers and my hootin' nany!" He said and I smiled.

"Breath fiddle," I said and he nodded slowly.

"I think I know how to rescue Ford and defeat Bill but we all need to work together." He said and he pulled us down to help Ford.


"Alright! I've made some ridiculous thinga-majigs. In my time, but this is the first one that won't be made for evil!" Fiddle said and I looked down at the paper.

"Fiddle this might just work.." I said and stan slipped it away.

"Hold on but this is the craziest scribbles I've seen ever, where would you even get someone idiot enough to build this," Stan said and I rolled my eyes.

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