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Chapter Eight


I was restocking the shelves not paying attention to anything when I heard the sending machine burst open causing me to drop the glass globes I was holding. I tsked annoyed and turned seeing a cycloptopus crawling towards me I gasped and moved to step back, but fell back, slipping on the liquid of the globes, getting a piece of glass that was on the floor slicing into my palm, I cried in pain, and looked forward, but saw it jump at me, I kicked it mid-air and ford caught it by its tentacles shocking it with his shock gloves, he looked at me with a happy face but it dropped seeing the blood, I stood up, wet and bleeding and he gulped.

"Y/N you're bleeding!" Stanley said walking over

"I-'m okay," I said

"Y/N, love, are you sure?" Ford said still holding the fried creature in his hand and using his other to look at my palm. "Come I'll clean that up." He said and pulled me along to the vending machine.

"Great Uncle Ford! Wait- can I help? I've read all about these creatures in your journal and I think I know how to" Dipper said hopefully

"No!" Ford interrupted Dipper. "I'm a sorry dipper, but the Dark weird road I travel. I'm afraid you cannot follow... also I need to help Y/N right now, and tell her everything!" He said and stepped into the room. "Call us when dinner is ready!" He said closing the door and I watched Dipper follow the machine shutting. I felt bad for the kid. Ford pulled me Downstairs sat me down and shoved the cycloptopus into a jar sealing it. He took his gloves off. "I'm so sorry Y/N." He said sitting in front of me.

"Ford it's okay, I've felt more pain in my time," I said and he looked at me, with an uneasy expression. He grabbed the first aid, gently took my hand, and slid the glass out which I flinched.

"So.. tell me what you've been through.?" He said looking at me, I hummed and looked down... Louis... I leaned on my free hand as he cleaned my wound.

"Fordy, I lost you, my parents are gone, not to mention fighting multiple creatures when I came across them. After you left I didn't know what to do so I channeled it into work.. ended up getting hurt a lot. Fell off a mountain once.." I said thinking he looked at me biting his lip.

"A mountain?" He asked and I looked to the side nodding.

"Saved by the trees," I said and he held my now bandaged hand. "So, you're doing what?" I asked and he looked at me nervously.

"I've been taking the portal apart. I don't like what you did." He said getting up and I followed him in my gaze. "Opening that portal was highly dangerous." He said and I stood up.

"What was I supposed to do Stanford.?" I said and he shifted at me using his full name. "I lost you, and I couldn't just.. move on?" I said and he looked at me.

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Then what are you saying? You sound like you wanted me to.. to date Stanley or something?!" I said and his eyes widened.

"Date Stanley? That sounds horrific, where did that even come from." He said and I could feel my face getting red.

"Well, you sound idiotic!"

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