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Chapter Thirteen


I stood behind the wheel of the boat. We'd been on the water for about a week, and I could tell Y/N was beginning to get used to it. She was so fascinated by the fish, dolphins, whales, and sharks, all these creatures she had never seen in person before considering she'd never left Gravity Falls. She has a bunch of pictures already, and my favourite thing was her outfits. She told me Mabel helped, to be honest, I was kinda upset that Stanley also got to see but I'm not controlling so that's her choice. Today she was wearing one of my button-ups and shorts with a bikini top, she was leaning back soaking in the sun and helping around.

"Y/N!" Stanley yelled and she groggily lifted her sunglasses. "Were you sleeping?" He asked and she giggled and nodded.

"Answer is, yes." She smiled and he shook his head.

"Wanna try fishing?" He asked. "One of our favourite things to do." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows, Y/N fishing?

"Oh Stanley, hun, you know the only reason I went out fishing with you is that I felt bad because you most likely would get in trouble with the police, or humiliate yourself." She said and I snorted, his facial expression was completely an utter shock. "Joke!" She stood up patting his chest.


"I don't even remember fishing!" She said giggling.

"Right, forgot you don't remember anything about us." He said and followed Y/N to show her how to fish. I looked down at the wheel and hummed.

"Stan! Keep an eye on this, I'm heading down for a second!" I called and he saluted me. I smiled and moved going under the deck. Underneath was a small kitchen, a small sitting area, and two rooms, one of which had a queen bed and the other was a twin. It was kinda obvious who was which.



My favourite part about being on the water was the stars. Up in the woods with Ford, we would look at the stars and since where we were there were no city lights, you could see everything. On the water it was like that, but x100. Stanley and Ford were taking turns watching the water, so I decided to stay up with Ford for his since it was first, and I was having nightmares again. I sat on the deck in Ford's arms, quietly staring up at the stars on a blanket.

"Looking at the stars.. does it ever make you think?" I mumbled and he hummed.

"Like what, love?" He mumbled and I gently turned to look at him, he leaned back a bit adjusting to the new position, and I sat on my knees between his legs, my hands on his chest.

"Yknow like.. if life.. is just this?" I mumbled and he chuckled.

"What just this?" He mumbled.

"This perfect..?" I bit my lip and he chuckled.

"Life is far from perfect Y/N." He said. "It has... many many flaws.." he whispers.

"Not with you, life's perfect when.." I began to trail off with the look he was giving me. "What?" I mumbled and he shook his head.

"I'm just surprised, that after everything I've put you through. You'd still say that." He looked downward, I smiled and picked his head up, kissing him softly. He slipped his hands on my hips and kissed me back, he pulled me up onto him, so I was now straddling him, and he slipped his hands up my back underneath the button-up up had given me. I hummed, his hands cold against my warm skin. I felt him smile and pull away before leaning down and kissing my neck, my breath hitched softly, we hadn't gotten this far since '82. I let my hands drift up, gripping his fluffy hair. His lips travelled my neck, and I clenched my fists onto his hair, suddenly he flipped us and gently pinned me down looking at me. My face felt beat red, I looked up at him, and his lips curled into a smirk. "You're nervous." He whispered.

"O-Of course.." I mumbled moving my hands to his firm chest, clutching his shirt.

"We don't have to do anything if you're uncom-"

"No, it's not that, it's just, it's a good nervous." I bit my lip. "But I think we shouldn't since it'll be Stanley's turn soon," I mumbled and he hummed leaning down and kissing me. I kissed him back, clutching on him.

"I know.." he whispered and pulled away.


The next night I walked up to the main deck and glanced around, saw Stanley looking up and off into the stars. I walked over and leaned on the edge next to him. He glanced at me, and I smiled. "You okay?" I mumbled and he shrugged at me.

"I haven't been for a while but I can't change anything." He said and I sighed softly.

"Does it have to do with me?" I mumbled and he looked at me slowly nodding. "Because I can't remember?" I asked and he nodded again. "I'm sorry I can't Stanley. But I can't control it, I'm missing something. A puzzle piece." I sighed and slumped down. "Anyway off the heavy. You excited it's almost Christmas, that means visiting Mabel and Dipper." I said and he chuckled.

"I'm nervous, I'll be seeing my brother for the first time since my fake funeral." He said. "I have to give him the news I'm not dead." He said and I nodded.

"So you did fake your death?" I asked and he nodded laughing a bit.

"I needed an explainable reason for disappearing." He said and I nodded. "And it was your plan." He said looking at me.

"Wait really?" I stood straight and he laughed.

"I thought you were insane but you did so well planting it. It scared me, to be honest." He said and I nodded stepping closer and listening. "We did a lot of illegal things together. You ended up being a lot like me, and my brother, the perfect balance of smart, and fun." He smiled looking down.

"You sound like a lot of fun Stanley, we should hang out more, without you ignoring me." I smiled and he laughed.

"Yeah sorry about that, I was annoyed for some reason."

"It's okay."

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