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Chapter Five



Walking through the thick woods with Y/N, was one of my favourite things to do, especially when we held hands, enjoyed nature, and weren't running from some creature, we had this built together a year ago, a bunker-type lab of sorts, we walked through and came up on the bunker tree. I let go of her hand and walked to a rock and pulled it down, seeing the branch up high on the tree cock itself up, and the ground opened to the bunker stairs, she watched and every time she always looked amazed. Oh was she gonna be amazed when I showed her what I found? I watched her clutch her Polaroid camera and her journal, which I had asked her to bring, and we walked down.

Once we made it to the bottom, we stepped into the room with my hand access, and hers went through decontamination and then walked into the lab, she followed intently. "Oh Y/N you're gonna be bewildered!" I laughed and she giggled.

"I bet, everything you find is astounding." She spoke softly as she looked around, and I picked up a cage along with a bag of food. And sat at the table, and she sat across.

"Be ready to take a picture," I said and put the cage on the table, opening the door, and putting a bit of food down, Y/N was holding the Camera watching intensely with the nervous habit of twitching eyebrows. We watched the small 'shapeshifter' nervously crawl out, and Y/N made a small exhale and I saw her shift with excitement in her eyes. After it ate the food she looked through the camera mumbling.

"Okay smile!" She said and it looked at her and I laughed, hearing the shutter go off. She smiled and as the picture printed she pulled it out and shook it, the shapeshifter shifted into the camera and Y/N had stars in her eyes. "Ford, this is amazing." She said taking out her journal and a pen, she started to sketch the creature. "A shapeshifter, I mean I've thought of it but- it's real, where did you find it?" She asked getting excited and I couldn't help but lean on the table and watch her as she oogled over the creature. This was another reason why I enjoyed doing research.


2012: Present Day

I was walking that familiar path wearing my old leather jacket Ford got me those years ago, that Ford and I once walked together, I gripped my right hand together missing his clutch, but that's when I felt a smaller hand fall into my empty hand. I looked down and saw Mabel.

"You look sad." She said and I smiled.

"I'm not, just lost in thought sweetie," I said and she hummed.

"Your look reminds me of when Dipper is sleeping and dreaming about Wendy. Are you heartbroken?" She asked and I looked forward, humming.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked and she nodded frantically. "There was a time, when I wanted a baby girl like you, with this certain guy," I said and she frowned.

"How come you and that guy never had a kid? Were you married?" She asked and I hummed shaking my head.

"No not married, it just.. never worked out. Sometimes things don't work out and I like to think, for a reason.." I explained and she nodded slowly.

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