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Chapter Fourteen

It was already beginning to get cold, with some snowfall, but to be honest the only thing cold got me was cuddles. But Christmas was tomorrow and we were gonna leave the water for a while, so we can spend Christmas with Dipper, Mabel, and their close family. I was excited to meet them, but also quite scared, this is Ford's family. When we docked the boat I was running down the dock as fast as I could.

"Land! Oh, how I missed touching The earthy dirt." I said rolling onto the grass and giggling I looked up seeing Ford walking over and standing above me.

"You missed it that much?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, Because I never left Gravity Falls let alone travelled the ocean!" I said getting up and swinging my arms around his shoulders. He gripped my waist and smirked at me.

"You had fun though right?" He asked and I nodded kissing his lips in pecks.

"You've been so passionate lately." He said and I pulled away.

"Want me to stop-"

"No," Ford said to me pulling back to him. "Christmas Eve is tomorrow, so today we can shop for gifts." He said smiling and I nodded as I watched Stanley walk to the guy's shop. I looked around. "How are you feeling?" Ford watched me look around.

"Okay... I'm just... I guess. It's odd being somewhere I haven't seen." I said and he nodded.

"That's understandable." He shrugged and that's when a car pulled up, and Stanley was in the front.

"Get on in, it's time to head to the hotel and go shopping." He said and I smirked.

"Hey, Ford," I said and he looked at me.

"Yes, babe?"

"Shotgun," I said and ran to The passenger's seat. He ran around but I was in locking the door before he could stop me. I giggled and he smiled sighing, before getting into the back.


I sat in the car, looking at the house. "Hey Ford, ready to tell Shermie.?" Stanley asked and I tapped my fingers together. It was already nightfall, I saw my door opening and I looked out seeing Stan, he pulled me out and stood me next to the door on the side that would open.

"How do you they're all here?" I asked.

"It's sherries house and their waddle footprints on the show so, they're here." He said and I nodded slowly. Ford stood next to me and Stanley knocked. The door opened and I and Ford looked at each other.

"Stanford? What are you doing here, for Christmas?" A deeper male voice asked.

"Heya Shermie, I came here with big news!" Stanley asked. "Im not ford." He said and Shermie laughed.

"Yeah okay, who are you then?"

"Stanley." He said pulling Ford away from me Ford looked at Shermie, and Ford waved, showing his 6 fingers.


"Okay long story short, Ford went into the portal, poof gone, I faked my death, became him, took his place, and desperately tried getting him back. Now hes back tada!" Stanley said and I sighed. "There's one more thing," Stanley said.

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