Chapter 6

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Jin's gloved hands wrapped around his fingers tightly when inserting a painted blue metal into one of the empty spaces, linked and surrounded with wires that ran in and out, growing big and small. He held his breath as he connected it into place. Then as the piece clicked, he let out a great exhale.


He turned to see the young intern holding his hands behind his back, his chest up high, ready to report something. "Yes?" Jin walked over to the nearby desk and started to sketch some edits onto the blueprints.

"There's someone in the lobby waiting to see you."

Jin ungloved his hands and sanitized it while smirking. "They really did come."

"Sorry, sir?"

Jin took his lab coat off and folded it on the table, revealing the black suit under it. "Tell them I'll be right with them. In the meantime, get the car ready."

"Yes, sir." The young intern hustled off out the room and left Jin all alone.

"Unnie, what if it's a lie?" Gahyeon whispered in JiU's ear. "Gahyeonie, just.. Trust him."

"Ah, there you are!" an exclamation came from one of the nearby hallways beside the front desk. "I knew you'd come."

"Let's get to this quickly, where are the members?" Siyeon bursted out first, marching towards him. "Before that, let me properly introduce myself---"

"Kim Seokjin. Yeah, we know."

"Then I'm sure your leader here did a good job of delivering the news. Call me Jin," he briefly said while holding an arm out to shake it. Siyeon, still suspicious of his intentions, shook it anyways. "I know you may think that I have bad intentions but please, all I want is for us to get what we want, Dreamcatcher to be back together."

"And how is that possible?"

He smiled. "Follow me. We have somewhere to go to."

"How about the members?"

"You'll see them, soon. Trust me, I mean no harm. I understood Taehyung's actions and the impact it had on you, so I do not dare to do the same to you. Now, someone's expecting to see us."

The three looked at each other with dilated pupils and a fast heartbeat. "Who?"

"You'll see."

Jin walked out the automatic doors in front of the girls and opened the door for them to enter the white car. JiU gave him a weird look after Gahyeon and Siyeon entered. "Just for your information, Taehyung did this to us too."

"But he had a captured member, and I don't. Trust me."

JiU, still squinting her eyes at him, entered anyways and sat beside Gahyeon. Soon, Jin entered the car and slipped to the passanger seat. The car began moving forth without Jin muttering a word for the destination. Jin buckled up, but intentionally, his eyes met with the reflection of the rear mirror. "You know, if it makes you comfortable, you can ask questions. I want you guys to trust me."

"Show us the picture JiU talked about," Siyeon demanded. Quickly, Jin opened up his gallery and showed it to the the ones at the back. "We've been testing them and the reason we haven't sent them back is because we found a way to bring them back."

"How do you suppose to do that? They didn't have a heartbeat."

"After you got out, no they didn't. It was temporary. Taehyung's contraption created some sort of mind phase and you all were stuck in there. However, only you three escaped and the rest were trapped."


"Well, last time I checked, Taehyung had a remote that led you to get out right?"

"I was shot, though. I was the first to escape, but I felt a bullet go through me."

"The shock got to you. The reason why they escaped is because the shock led them to be transferred to another phase or a deeper nightmare rather than waking up. It's very rare for someone to get the shock and successfully escape unharmed. It's actually supposed to imitate the tiny jerks you get in the middle of sleeping, if you know what I mean."

"So.. Siyeon could've died?"

"I don't think the term is died. The term is.. Siyeon could've been stuck in a deeper level."

"So how do you suggest we get the others out?"

"Well, it'll take more than his remote, but we found a way and modified it, we just need you guys." Jin unwrapped a bubble gum packet and popped it in his mouth. He turned back and offered it to the three but they refused.

"Can you at least tell us where we're going?"

Then the car screeched suddenly, swerving into a parking spot. "We're here," he replied, unbuckling his seatbelt.

Gahyeon's hand crawled to intertwine with JiU's fingers. The door was opened up from both sides and they all got out. "The prison?"

Jin kept quiet led the three girls while the driver stayed beside the car.


The prison gates opened for them and they walked through a confined place, guards in every corner with red lights, signalling that cameras were on, spying them.

"Go in, I'll wait," Jin instructed, sitting comfortably in front of the room that had a translucent opening with a man's silhouette. "Who's that?"

"It's safe."

The three glared at Jin, unsure of his statement with his straight and blank face. "Come on, let's get it over with." JiU held the backs on Siyeon and Gahyeon and slowly pushed them through the door, but what lies beyong the door did not bring a friendly atmosphere.

"You!" Siyeon ruptured, fists shaking. "YOU LOST ME MY MEMBERS!"

"Siyeon!" Gahyeon held her back before nearly attacking him. "L-Look.. I'm sorry.."

"How dare you apologize just like that? Do you expect us to forgive you after what you've done?!"

"Siyeon, please. Calm down." Siyeon's veins started to throb. "P-Please.. I didn't mean it.. I had time to think over my thoughts and.. I'm truly sorry."

"Save it, Namjoon."

"Siyeon, please."

"No, she has the right to be furious, but I just want to talk. I can help you."

Siyeon's body was let go of Gahyeon. Drowned in exasperation, Siyeon shook her head and fled out the room. "I'm done with this."

"Siyeon!" JiU tried to get her back into the room before Namjoon stopped her. "Please, take a moment to listen."

Everyone froze in the room. "The reason I chose to do this, to help Jin, is because I regretted what I did. Taehyung pushed it, and.. I thought by doing that, we would actually finish our goal. He kept forcing it even though it would come to nothing, eventually.. It did come to nothing."

"Namjoon," Gahyeon called with a flat tone, "it didn't mean nothing for us. We lost them."

"Yes.. But that's why I'm going to make it right. It's time to change, I just want to help reverse it. You don't have to trust me, but please let me help you just this once."

The two girls exchanged looks, but they knew he had some sort of sincerity within his statements. "It may not reverse what we've been through and the side effects, but how do you expect to help by getting the members back?"

"Jin and I have a way. It's not impossible."

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