Chapter 17

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Her eyes beheld a peaceful, yet dull, place. There was no decoration whatsoever. Being trapped in that infinite white box made it feel like she was in a realm, shutting out the real world or even the nightmare world, though it did have similar auras. Her outfit too seemed to have changed. From silky blue-white robes into a sharp red color, painted with snake skin texture. What was this world? An eccentric world that could only be described as absolute loneliness?

"J-JiU," a hoarse and scratchy voice called out behind.

"Siyeon!" She kneeled to grab her freezing cold hands. "How long have you been here? Where's SuA? Is she safe?"

Siyeon mumbled something under her breath, unheard by JiU. Siyeon repeated, but it was interrupted after sounds of footsteps behind.

"Yooh.. Yoohyeon? W-What are you---"

"Spare me the confusion, you know why I'm here."

"No that's not---" JiU tried to stand.

"Then what? Unnie, you left me in here, nothing more, nothing less." Yoohyeon turned her back on JiU and walked back a bit. "It," JiU took a breathe to brace herself for what she was going to say, "it was an accident. I didn't want to leave you but.." JiU looked down, unable to finish it because it was really all obscured.

"What is it? I know you remember it. So say it; you abandoned me."

"No! Yoohyeon---"

"You didn't even try to go back!"

"I.." JiU could not bring herself to say she wanted to because it was true, she did not want to go back nor try, but she dearly wanted her members back. "I wanted to forget it. I.. I thought it was hopeless."

Yoohyeon's head turned a bit to the side, looking at JiU who was guilt tripped. "I knew it, you couldn't care less. You just wanted your old lives back, right?"

"Of course we did, but that's why we're getting everyone back!" JiU clenched her fists and bit her lip to prevent her from crying in that state and position. "Yoohyeon.. We came back, can't you see? We're going through everything again just for you guys.." She tried to reach Yoohyeon, maybe with words, maybe with actions, but nothing was getting to her. It was like she had a language barrier. "W-Were you all alone?"

"I was," she replied, "until Siyeon came across my radar. I could've gotten hold of Gahyeon too."

"Why aren't you letting us help you?! We're trying to get everybody out!" Siyeon screamed with the last of her energy. Yoohyeon, calm and collected as she interrogated JiU with Siyeon on the side, but her eyes could be seen that she was burning in revenge and anger. "How'd Siyeon get out?"

JiU instantly faced Yoohyeon again. "You know?"

"I think I would've known if she was stuck here with the rest, don't you think?"

Siyeon scoffed.

"I really don't know what happened but.. No one expected it either. It was a one in a million chance," she tried to explain while slowly making her way to Yoohyeon. She hummed blandly.

JiU realized Yoohyeon's eyes were lingering around a small object in her fingers. "Wait, Yoohyeon, what is that?"

"Unnie, she's got my bracelet."

JiU's eyes widened and fear overthrew her, backing off slowly. "No, you can't do this."

"I've been here for too long, without hope, without you. I felt.. Abandoned and lost, and now, you'll have a taste of this miserable world."

There was a bit of silence. Everyone's gulps and breathing were heard. Siyeon then spoke out, "Why are you doing this? We're trying to help you, Yoohyeon."

"Are you trying to help me of are you trying to spare your guilt from leaving me behind? It can't all be happily ever after; I know from experience." She adjusted the bracelet after wrapping it around. She then turned to JiU. "I wish you both luck in here," she turned her back yet again, "but I'd be surprised if you survive even for a minute."

The second Yoohyeon spoke those words, the room seemed to shrink as it filled up with black shadows eating up the room. Before her finger could touch the bracelet, JiU quickly grasped her hand and pulled her close, followed with a vacuum sensation taking them both in.

Then the shadows stopped, the chains unlocked, leaving Siyeon all alone in the room.

"Gahyeon!" a voice screamed from the doors just before Gahyeon sat down. "SuA unnie? Handong unnie?"

"Take us with you!"

"We can help!"


"I'm sorry, but that's not possible," Jin cut in. "There's limited machinery in this room and its risky to put in more than three in." Jin looked at Gahyeon. "It's going to be fine, I can take care of myself."

"But it's not fair. Gahyeon.. Gahyeon should be the one who sits this out!" Handong expressed. She stepped and held the younger's hand. "Please don't.. I'll do it."

"Dong unnie," Gahyeon's lips and eyes smiled with joy, "I don't care what's fair or not if it saves my members. You've gone through a lot too. I can do this, and I promise I'll be back." She turned to Jin and smiled. She inhaled. "I'm ready," then she exhaled.

Jin pulled her in and strapped her wrists in and activated the bracelet. "Bring at least four bracelets. One for Siyeon, one for JiU, one for you.. The last one's for Yoohyeon."

Gahyeon looked up in shock. "Yes, you're also getting her back. We don't know her exact location, but if you could find your other members and get them out, you'll find a way to get Yoohyeon, alright?"

There was a moment of silence to think this through. "Gahyeon, I'll go if---"

"No. It's okay, I'll get everyone back." She tried to breathe slower to calm her nerves but it could not be helped. She just smiled and nodded to Jin and her unnies.

"Promise me you'll be back."

"I promise."

"Entering in three, two, one.."

Gahyeon's eyes shut closed and the sound of the machinery began to rumble again.

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