Chapter 15

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Her body fell through the floor. Once she was cramped up, more chains grew on her wrists. She cursed silently, looking up from the way she entered but the opening was gone. "SuA unnie?!" Siyeon banged the walls. "Can you hear me?! Can anyone hear m---"

"Siyeonie!" a faint call sounded through the walls.

Siyeon, with the chains pulling her back, forced her way to put her ear on it. "SuA, is that you?"

"Yes, yes it's me!"

Before Siyeon replied, she felt something push on her face --- the walls. She was forced to sit back down until the walls stopped moving. Her hands shook and a shiver climbed up her spine. "Unnie, do you know how to get out?"

Silence. "I have a way out but we need to see each other!" Still, no one replied. "Unnie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. The walls --- It's never done this before." Sounds of low rumbling and thuds began for both of them. Then SuA heard more thudding, but this time sounding more artificial. "Siyeon, it won't work."

"I have to try!" She kept digging through with her elbows. "We're close and this wall is thin, I just know it!"

The wall began to crumble bits by bits as Siyeon's elbow began to rot with blood. SuA's warnings did not stop her. "Please Siyeon, don't hurt yourself."

By the time SuA warned her yet again, a tiny hole of light peeked through. Siyeon, now with leverage of getting out, slid in the bracelet with the loose chains on her hands. "Here, quickly put this on." The thudding interrupted. "Then what?" SuA asked, panicking to put it on as the walls began to squeeze onto her and covered up the tiny hole made before. "Tap it once, then it's like forcing your eyes open in a dream. Unnie, trust me."

SuA made the bracelet beep once and a green light shined dimly. "This will get me out right?"

"Yes," a faint response replied.

SuA took a sigh and wished her good luck. "See you on the other side." When the walls cramped into their heads, SuA had already gotten out of there; disappearing like the simple winter wind passing by in a moment. With SuA gone, Siyeon's uncontrollable breathing of fear broke out. She had always been able to keep it together with someone around but it now felt like a beating pain in the heart. "R-Right, let's get out of here once and for all."

Her finger was already hovering above the green light when her body was cramped in with the walls. Her finger was pushed and her wrist was swiped away. This time, the walls showed no mercy and went on, almost breaking her two arms that kept her from being crushed. One tap was enough to get her out but the walls were too fast and her hands was being tightened and pulled. She was afraid, fearful that the walls could just crush her into an ant. She could do nothing with her hands bound with chains. She braced herself for the worst possible way to die. "Why is this happening?!"

Everything went dead silent, mostly, her thoughts stopped. She landed in a place, walls made of quartz and nothing else decorate it. Siyeon wiggled her feet but she could only feel more chains restraining her. She was not dead, not yet at least. It felt like she was merely surviving with only one oxygen source, like the hole made for tiny aquarium pets. She still had chains, tight ones in fact, keeping her on the ground.

She tried hauling the metal things off, feeling frustrated and furious.

A voice chuckled, "That won't help, in fact, nothing will."

Siyeon gasped.

The person's form started to take form, standing in front of Siyeon. "You're going to pay for what you've done, what you've all done."

Siyeon's eyes dilated. "Y-Yoohyeon?"

"Sir, another one's out of there."

"Get her vitals checked on. Make sure she's in top condition."

"Yes sir." The hallways grew with multiple footsteps of running, rattling with medical tools and the things needed for a vitals check. "Siyeon?"

"Not yet sir, she's having difficulties, like before. Her location isn't clear."

"Make sure she stays alive and gets out alive, find a way. We cannot keep this happening."

"Yes sir."

"Jin," an abrupt voice echoed behind him. The two turned face to face with a stern expression, waiting to let go of the data they have collected. Nothing was turning out the way they wanted, nothing was going to plan. "I've found it. The problem. The reason they aren't 'protected', it's the core."

Jin's eyebrows raised.

"There's nothing wrong with the product but the wirings and the compatibility, it.. It's just off."

"Well can we fix it?"

Namjoon nodded, but not with a smile. "It's risky."

Jin fidgeted around his watch and his pockets. Eyes unable to look at a certain target. "How risky?" His mouth curled and his hands scratched his hair.

"It would take a miracle for them to survive in there while we make adjustments. We would be able to get them out before we start the operation, but who knows when the other members start to shift the environment, like the level changes. Our chances are low."

"So we're only dependant on what they're doing inside there?"

Namjoon, again, nodded.

"Well they better find a way out. Can you do something in the meantime?"

"A few adjustments.. Maybe."

"Good, get to it then."

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