It's Called One For All

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"So what's your quirk called?" Gon asked Midoriya.

They had the whole bus ride to discuss it, but he wanted to complete his goal sooner rather than later. I wonder what Alluka and Killua's goals are. They never checked. Or maybe they just haven't told me yet... I have been pretty busy.

"Uhhhh... Superstrength." Midoriya said.

"Oh cool!" Gon replied quickly. Too quickly.

Yuya, however, didn't say anything. He didn't utter a word. Didn't tell him that his goal was completed. That meant Izuku was lying.

"Wait a minute." Gon began, "That's too generic. Is it really Superstrength? You know you can tell me anything, Izuku. We basically live together!"

Midoriya let out a shaky breath, "It really is super strength."

Goal incomplete, Yuya informed him, confirming the hunter's previous chain of thoughts.

"I don't believe you!" Gon argued, crossing his arms in a huff of stubbornness, "You're lying! You're lying! Lalalalalala I won't stop until you tell me the truth! Lalalalalalalalalalalala-"

This caused the fluffy haired boy to sweat a little. Gon sure could be loud, that's for sure. It was one of the things he was proud of.

"Shhhhhh. Keep your voice down and I'll tell you." Midoriya whispered.

"Okay!" Gon exclaimed, before readjusting his tone, "Sorry."

Midoriya smiled warmly, "But you have to tell me more about you, and what your quirk really is."

"Huh?!" Gon blurted out, confused, "What do you mean?!"

Was it possible that Midoriya had discovered how to harness his Nen? It wasn't entirely impossible. Actually, it was more likely than unlikely. Gon panicked, just a little, internally. Bisky and Killua would be mad if he knew.

"I've studied quirks my whole life, Gon." Midoriya began, "And I can tell that the description of your quirk doesn't match up with what it actually does."

Gon sighed in relief, "Okay, Okay, Yeah you got me. But you have to tell me first!"

"It's called One For All." Midoriya whispered in hushed tones.

Goal completed. Would you like to view your next goal?

"Oh." Gon muttered, "Not now. Tell me when we arrive."

He was expecting something more fancy or a even Nen-related. Mentally, he had decided it would at least sound cool too. Or would even be related to what it did. He was expecting something like Power Of Fists or Glowstick Veins.

"Wait, what's that even supposed to mean? Oof!" Gon wondered as the bus passed over a particularly bumpy part of the road.

"I can't tell you." Midoriya told him, "Sorry, but not here. I want to tell you. I trust you. But I can't tell you now. People might overhear it."

"Okay!" Gon replied naively. 

Most people would push the subject, force him to spill his secret. However, Gon was not most people. He was a young hunter from another universe attending a school for aspiring heroes even though he was a year too young. 

"Your turn." Midoriya stated simply, his signature, almost nervous smile returning.

"Sorry, but not here. People might overhear it." Gon said in response, echoing the elder boy's previous words.

Midoriya nodded understandingly. Like Gon, he didn't pushy he topic. But both boys knew that their secrets were about to be exposed to each other, and neither knew how to feel about it.

"So, how'd you and Killua meet?" Midoriya questioned curiously.

Gon smiled fondly, "We met at an exam. It's was kind of like the entrance exam, except a lot harder. It was so fun! Killua came along on his skateboard whilst we were jogging after Satotz, the proctor of the first phase. He asked me how old I was! We were the same age, so he stuck with me! And he did this really cool trick on his skateboard! It was awesome!"

"That's sounds cool!" Midoriya agreed, "And what about your parents, or your guardians. Sorry if I'm being invasive! I'm just curious, you see, not many people have nowhere to go nowadays. I just want to know if anybody's missing you."

Gon pondered on the thought, "Hmmmmm. I suppose the only people who know that I'm gone are my father, Ging and his student, Kite. But Aunt Mito was like my mother my whole life. I left to travel the world, and eventually settled down away from home."

"Whale Island was your home, right?" Midoriya remembered.

"Yup!" Gon continued, all too cheerful to share his entire life story.

"But who took care of you, if you don't mind me asking? Someone at our age is too young to travel alone." Midoriya questioned.

"Well there was Kurapika and Leorio. I met them at the exam too. We went separate ways though. For a while it was just Killua and I." Gon explained, "But then we met Bisky! She took care of us and trained us to be great hunt- ehhhh heroes in training. We went separate ways again, but then Killua and I found Kite! After some... issues, I was hospitalised."

Midoriya gasped. Gon smiled, "But I'm okay now! Apparently whilst I was in hospital, Killua went home to find his sister, Alluka! Some of his family's butlers took care of him for a bit. Then once I got better, I reunited with Leorio and my father! Then Killua and I went separate ways. I stuck with Kite and his friends, and Killua went to travel the world with Alluka. But now we're together again! All is right in the world!"

"That's good. I don't know what I would have done if you were a villain or something." Midoriya admitted nervously.

"Hahahahahaha!" Gon laughed, "Hey Izuku?"

"Yes?" Midoriya replied.

"Do you mind if Killua, Alluka and Bisky stay with us for a bit? It's just until Bisky earns enough money to buy a house! We've been really broke lately." Gon requested sheepishly, feeling guilty that he had to ask such thing again.

Midoriya, however, smiled, "Any friend of yours is welcome in our house! I'm sure my mom will feel the same."

"Great!" Gon cried out happily, "I can't wait!"

And in that moment, Gon was correct. All was right in the world. Well at least, almost all was right in the world.

Killua Zoldyck - Goal 5/50 - Survive The USJ Incident

Alluka Zoldyck/Nanika - Goal 2/50 - Join the League of Villains

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