Energy Overload Gone Wrong

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Killua, Tsuyu, Mineta and Midoriya were all sent quite brutally tumbling into the shipwreck zone. With a thud, Killua landed on his back on the slippery, wooden deck. Tsuyu and Izuku recovered from the fall quickly, but Mineta complained about how much his back hurt. In all fairness, he was quite small and was sent somersaulting across the floor. Killua leaped onto his feet, and observed his surroundings. Water surrounded the medium-sized ship they were on, and in the water were villains. It was quite a simple tactic. The water villains assumed they had the advantage. 

"Where are we?" Mineta asked, finally standing up.

"The shipwreck zone, ribbit." Tsuyu explained.

"We're surrounded!" Midoriya commented, pointing at the water, "There's villains everywhere!"

"Eaughh!" Mineta screeched, leaping back from the edge of the ship.

Killua sat down again, sighing. They were all hopeless. A simple strategy would do. Literally anything would do. But of course, they hadn't thought of a single plan, and Killua didn't feel like telling them the twenty seven plans he had already conjured in his mind. That was because twenty five of them included him revealing his electricity, and the other two's success rates were considerably lower than necessary.

"Well?" Killua spoke up impatiently, turning to Midoriya, "Do you have a plan or not?"

"N-no." Midoriya admitted, "My quirk isn't suited for this zone."

"Mine isn't either." Mineta told them as he wiped away his tears.

"Mine is, ribbit." Tsuyu said much to Killua's relief. If all of their quirks weren't suited for water combat, then they were toast, "I can do anything a frog can, which includes holding my breath for a very long time. I'm also a lot stronger underwater, ribbit."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" A fourth voice made an input, rocketing near them in the air.

It was Gon, who was clinging to a winged villain. They were trying to chase him off, but Gon had a grip of steel and could not be shaken. All the students on the ship blinked several times at the flying green bean, as did the villains.

"Aaaaah! Show me rock!" Gon cried out, "Jaaaaaaaaaaaaan, Kennnnnnnn, Paperrrrrrr!"

The emission variant of Gon's famous Jajanken flew from his hand. It propelled the winged villain at the glass dome that surrounded the USJ, knocking him unconscious. Gon's grip slipped. It slipped at the worst possible time. Idiot! Killua thought as he watched his long-time companion plummeting towards the ground, flailing desperately. That was the least of his concerns, though it was one of them. 

The attack that Gon had used was aimed directly at the ship. When it finally arrived it was style size of a baseball. But it was a ball of pure aura, and it was headed straight for them. With a splash of water the aura hit its target, shaking the hole host and puncturing it.

"LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE, YOU MORON!" Killua yelled at a falling Gon.

"Sooooorryyyyyyyyyyy" Gon shouted in response.

The ship began to sink, and the water villains circled around them like sharks watching their prey, waiting patiently to go in for the kill. It was then that Killua decided to enact his 24th plan.

"Asui! Take Midoriya and Mineta, and catch Gon!" Killua ordered.

"Call me Tsu!" Tsuyu replied, "And what about you, ribbit?!"

"I'll be right behind you!" Killua lied.

Tsuyu wrapped her tongue around Midoriya, and grabbed Mineta with her arm. Using her frog-like quirk, she leaped high into the air, aiming her leap at Gon. Killua took several deep breaths in an attempt to expand his lungs to their full size. He would need a lot of air to pull of his attack.

"Look who's all alone." One of the villains spoke up, "I can't wait to hear you scream in terror as we rip your limbs off."

Killua raised an eyebrow, "Do you know what my quirk is?"

"Why would we tell you what we know?!" Another villain spat out.

"Because if you do, then you should know that impure water is a major conductor of electricity!" Killua shouted, leaping off the edge of the boat.

He plunged into the water, holding his breath. At first it was cold, very cold. But then it felt warm around him. Despite this, he couldn't feel his toes and was almost certain that he would get a cold. It's now or never! Killua thought, Energy Overload! Naming his attack was pointless, he would never have enough electricity to use it again. But he named it anyways.

Electricity shot out from his body, stretching out like a rolling yarn ball. Within seconds it was all over the water, electrocuting the villains. Killua was having the time of his life. He didn't enjoy inflicting pain on others, but the feeling of releasing that bottled up electricity was like no other. Unable to contain his breath, he let it out into the water with a sigh of pure ecstasy. He didn't feel like the electricity was inside of him now. He felt like he was the electricity.

Of course, now he had the problem of needing a breath. It's a lot easier to hold your breath when you actually have a breath to hold, Killua discovered. The villains were well and truly unconscious, and continuing might result in death. He was certain that was illegal. Stop, Killua thought, Stop it! Electricity, stop!

It didn't. The electricity didn't stop. It dawned on him that he couldn't control it. Once he had started to release it there was no going back. Now he was fighting for his life, attempting to hold his breath whilst knowing it was too late. Within moments he lost all sensation of his body. Killua's head fell forward limply, as if he were asleep. But he wasn't. He was very awake and very panicked. He had to get out of there. 

Then he started seizing. Killua had never had a seizure before. He wasn't even sure if he was seizing or just severely shaking. Either way, his whole body was shaking and convulsing. He was completely, utterly helpless. He screwed his eyes shut when he couldn't hold his nonexistent breath any longer. Now his body was racking with coughs and in a state of pure shock. Electricity darted around in the water like thousands of fish. If there were any fish in the water, they would be dead. So would any people.

Killua clenched wanted to clench his jaw, to dig his nails so far into his palms that it drew blood, but he had no control over his body. The only thing that was probably keeping him alive was the electricity. But then it stopped. It shut off completely, like someone had snuffed it out. He had spent it all. Unable to regain control over his body or his breath, his almost-lifeless body sunk to the bottom of the water, where nobody would ever think to look for him.

Gon, Was his last thought as he fell into a deep unconsciousness, uncertain if he would ever wake up again. He was dying.

 He was dying

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