Chapter 11: The Three Kingdoms Part 3

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It is been a while since they have departed from the kingdom of dwarf and the "date" that Zaldous promised is bugging him so much since then. The number of restaurants are none near the kindom even here outside the kingdom of dwarfs.

Rin's reaction is very unpredictable because Zaldous doesn't pay attention to her feelings and thoughts. Zaldous wasn't an open minded person. Without hesitating Zaldous immediately communicates to Jin his butler at his home.

"Jin! I need you're help! I should not have screamed because it is been a while we haven't talked to each other I am very sorry..." Zaldous said while scratching his head.

"My my it is been quite a while my lord. It is ok, I am quite happy that you communicated to me it's a bit boring here without you." Jin said happily.

"Um well you know recently i have a companion with me and he's a "she". She asked me for dinner she said and their are no restaurants near the demon kingdom. I'm asking for a favor as my loyal butler can you make a restaurant near the kingdom and just make it a worthwile visit?" Said by Zaldous in a soft voice.

"Oh hoo My lord has acquired his first love and now will go to a date! Now this is very exciting! I shall go and travel now to the demon kingdom". Jin said excitingly.

"We are only acquaintances. Im not very attractive you know!" Zaldous said while blushing a bit.

"Then try eating a magnet. It might make you more attractive HAHAHA!" Jin said while laughing at his own joke.

"It looks like my loyal butler that i have treated like my own brother no... My own father is making fun of me and even making jokes." Zaldous said while grinning his face.

"I apoligize my lord i was not making fun of you so please let me off the hook for now." Jin said while his laughter was gone and turn into fear.

"Alright fine just make sure you do your part and i do mine ok I'll be going now bye." And the telepathy was cut off.

They've took a break and set up their stall to make some money. Of course this is just a reason so Zaldous can buy time for Jin to make the restaurant. With Jin's teleportation magic it would just be easy to get their, but the restaurant is hard to built Jin said so he need about an hour.

Rin's expression was very bored and sad. She looked at Zaldous in a dissapointed face. Zaldous immediately felt guilty for promising her a dinner. To kill time Zaldous ask Rin to have a spar with him since he saw how rin fight using a sword and magic. Rin was overjoyed when she heard that because its been a while since they've did some activities.

As they've get ready and stretching their match started somewhere in the vast forest. Rin is using her current sword while Zaldous is using a stick. Even though Rin is dissapointed at least they are having a fight.

Rin is the first to strike leaping from her position to Zaldous while her sword at her back ready to swing but Zaldous blocked it with his stick. Rin was surprised how and sensed mana was embedded at the stick.

Rin was quite impressed so she kept swinging her sword at Zaldous. Zaldous has enough of her bombardment of attack and starts to strike back. Since his using a stick it would be harmless to her.

He first block and pushbher back to keep their distance. After that he immediately throw his stick up intriguing Rin  to stare at the stick mid air but Zaldous didn't planned to just throw it.

He dashed in front of Rin, but Rin didn't fall for that tricked and act like she was baited but after swinging into Zaldous who dashed in front of her. Zaldous vanished into her eyes and  poked her in the nape of her neck.

Rin forfieted and admired Zaldous amazing movements and tactics. She was very surprised on the last part.

Zaldous said that it's time to kove to the Demon kingdom and have dinner. Rin was very excited to the dinner. So they increase their pace to reach the kingdom more faster.

Almost at the kingdom they have spotted a restaurant. It is very big and fancy when they were almost near the restaurant. When arrival the have been greeted by Jin. After greeted they enter inside and couldn't beleive what they are seeing. In a isolated area their are no one their but Jin. The place was full of flowers, candles, tables, chair and decorations only seen in a rich home of a noble.

Zaldous was surprised and praised Jin secretly. But he was wondering who would take their order. Jin approached them with a different attire into a butler and asked their order. Zaldous told Rin to order whatever she likes and don't hold back.

Rin started ordering a ton of food that needed twice the size of their table. After taking their order Jin went to the kitchen. After 5 seconds their meal was already cooked. They were both surprised and didn't asked how did he just cooked those in 5 seconds. While that matter was put aside Jin started playing piano to make a romantic vibe.

They both enjoyed their meal and got closed to each other even more. After having a great time they are now going to depart. Zaldous thank Jin and gave him gold coins as a reward...

4 hours have passed since they depart at the restaurant, they've reached the demon kingdom. The gatekeepers couldn't believe their old master was back so they immediately open the gates. Looking at the insides of the kindom was more nicer then before. People were not barbaric then before and now its more organized. The king of the place named Indos was passed by Zaldous itself to one of his general. The organization of this kingdom is already a great feat for the demons.

Zaldous meet the general secretly while Rin waits them outside the kingdom. The king was very happy to meet them and Zaldous told him the situation. Without hesitation the king of the kingdom immediately called his best soldiers but Zaldous turned down his offer.

He said it was a "family" matter and the king respected him. Zaldous just asked some supplies and his old equipment. The king brought him to the vault where he stored his equipment. The full set armour of Strandia. This have the power to inflict damage to the enemy and its durable then other armours. The shapeshifter sword. This was a legend at first but it was really true. This sword have the ability to change form to its weilders liking. Combining it with its current sword with the help of the kingdoms blacksmith it leveled up. Making it have a power to change fire's form to.

He is full set nkw and ready for action. They got the supplies and the equipments. Before departing, Zaldous was very greatful to his comrades. He promised to reward them for their royalty after he defeat Argus. The kingdoms king and its people said their good byes to Zaldous with a warm smile making zaldous teary eyed.

He wiped his eyes immediately to hide it infront of Rin. But Rin already knew. She pathed Zaldous in the head softly comforting him...

Hello thank you for reading! Sorry that i updated just today. I've been cery busy for the past week so im sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you very much!


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