15; Talks

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^^^ Annabelle ^^^

EVERYONE! Read 'The Steps We Take Apart' by cimiraxo  it's starting to sound like it's going to be a great story!

A seventeen year old teenager, Autumn, and Justin face a baby, school, money problems, and much more. Will they make it through?

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Brady Manning

"Are you going to lecture me, or are you actually going to help me get ready for this date?" I was starting to get annoyed with Annabelle's constant lecturing. Once I told her I was going on a date, she was telling me to 'make sure he's not like him' - my ex-boyfriend. Austin was nothing like him; Austin spends time with me and makes time for me. He treats me well.

"I'm sorry. You wouldn't go for someone like him again, would you? Just wear the leather pants, your red Vans, and the red and white tie-dye crop top. That'll look cute." She still didn't sound convinced that Austin was different, but I knew he was, and that's all that matters to me.

"Thanks, it does look cute." I admired myself in the mirror, for the first time in a while. I felt confident about myself, and that scared me. Austin made me feel so comfortable, really quickly. But I go with my gut, and this time it's saying 'he's a good guy, go for it.'

"Austin's different Belle, he won't hurt me intentionally." I convinced her, because I didn't need convincing myself. I was positive Austin was different, and I really liked him.

"You said that about Scally too," Annabelle started, and my grip tightened on the phone. "Oh shit, I'm sorry, the name just slipped." She apologised, as I shook my head, blinking back the tears. I needed to stop crying over this asshole.

"He's not worth your tears, baby." My mom's comforting words invaded my thoughts. Even though I'd not told her the full story, she still managed to make me feel better when I came home in tears, two days before I finished the second quarter of junior year. Worst Christmas vacation ever.

"I'm okay," I sighed, "it still hurts sometimes, but that's one of the reasons I was happy to move here, to get away from the bad memories, and get over him."

"And I'll help you get over him! Austin sounds like an amazing guy and he's hot, but don't tell Asher." She joked, and then let out a sigh. "I was just protective, I know what he did to you, and it disgusts me, you'll be happy without him," she reassured me, "but from now on, stay away from dodgy dudes, yeah?" That was what we called guys who were players, gang members, druggies, the mysterious ones, and thugs. Basically any guy who wasn't a good one.

"That's right," I laughed, "no dodgy dudes for me in the foreseeable future, just an insanely hot, amazing, and caring guy, who will be taking me out tonight." I sighed happily, for once I had myself a good guy, and I couldn't be more exited for tonight.

"Same for me hun. Asher treats me well, and although it was weird at first; being best friends and all, it turned out alright." I was happy for her, and I've told her this countless amounts of times.

"Well, I need to talk to my dad; I'll call you tomorrow and tell you how it goes." I removed the phone away from my ear, "Use protection!" Annabelle bellowed down the other end. Wow. I just chuckled and put my phone in my pocket, and picked up $30 from my vanity table, and put it in the other one.

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