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This time Rory woke up in the same bed she fell asleep in, as well as in the same decade. She looked through her clothes in her wardrobe, looking at all of the original pieces in awe. She loved vintage fashion, but in her time, it was more and more difficult to find decent clothes at a decent price, and she was almost running short on her mum's clothes.
Walking in the kitchen, she started thinking about her life in the 70s.
'Do I go to school? Do I work?' but she came to the conclusion that whatever her occupation was, she had bigger fish to fry, such as finding a way to go back to her time.
She sat at the table drinking from her cup while Lauren was running around the flat looking for her earring.
Lauren was jumping on one leg, trying to put on a shoe, when the bell rang. She hopped to the door, almost tripping over the mess that there was on the floor.
"Shit shit shit, it's John"
Rory didn't know if knowing that John was actually taking her mother out and not just shagging her, made her feel better.
"I got this" said Rory walking to the door, while Lauren ran to the other room to fix her makeup.
John walked in, leaving Roger behind. Somehow Rory suspected that Lauren was not aware of the presence of Roger there.
Lauren walked towards the guests, kissing John and rolling her eyes at Roger. "What are you doing here Taylor?" she asked bitterly.
"I'm not here for you, Lauren. I'm here for her"
Lauren and Rory exchanged an uncertain glare, but before Lauren could reply, John was already pushing her out of the door, not wanting to deal with the angry pair.
"Bye! Have fun!" said John, closing the door as fast as he could.
"Not too much!" screamed back Lauren before the door was shut.

Roger let himself fall on the chair in the kitchen, puffing.
"Who is she, your mother?"
Rory almost choked on her tea, but pulled it off laughing.
She picked up the cups and walked over to the sink to wash them. "Uhm Rory, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me" Rory stopped with her hands full of dish soap.
"When?" she said blushing.
Roger walked over to the counter, sitting on it.
Rory chuckled, shaking her head.
"Well, you're already here, so I guess I don't really have much of a choice"
"You could always kick me out. Lauren would love it if you kicked me out"
Rory rinsed the cups and dried her hands on the hand towel.
"Well, I'm not Lauren" she winked at him, walking out of the room.
"Where are you going now?" Roger screamed.
Rory screamed back "Getting changed"
She closed herself in her room, opening her wardrobe and throwing all of her clothes on the bed and on the floor.
She ended up wearing a pair of high waisted bell bottoms and a black silky shirt with small yellow flowers on it. She chose a pair of black All Stars and fixed her makeup, drawing a neat line with her eyeliner.
She grabbed a white tote and a coat.
Roger was crouched down in front of a big box full of records. When he heard her walking in, he stood up and looked at her.
"Do you want a picture? It lasts more, y'know" Rory pointed out and Roger shook his head, not having realized that he was staring.
"Quite the impressive collection you have here"
Rory nodded. "It's all Lauren"
She didn't even need to know which records were in the box to know that it was an outstanding collection.
They walked out of the house and Roger stopped in front of a black van.
"This is us" he said, stopping Rory.
She chuckled. "So this is the infamous van"
He looked at her, not knowing what was going on.
"Is there something wrong?"

She shook her head, remembering how that van is going to end up for the sake of the album.
She sat on the front seat. The drive to the mysterious place was long, silent and slightly awkward. Roger parked and walked to the other side to open the door to Rory, who was already opening it, resulting in Roger getting hit in the face. Rory giggled.
"It's not funny" said Roger, pouting.
"It kinda is" she replied and they both burst out laughing.
They walked over to a small shop, Roger opened the door for Rory and accompanied her with a hand on her back. He greeted the girl at the front desk, who returned a big smile.
Rory turned the other way, pretending to look around, and rolled her eyes. There it was, Roger the ladies' man.
He took her to a small art gallery. On the walls were hanging quite a lot of paintings.
"I never thought you were one for arts"
Rory broke the silence in the gallery, catching Roger's attention, who was staring at a very strange painting, confused.
"I am not, figured you might have been" he replied walking over to the next painting. "Also, my roommate had been begging me to come to his girlfriend's exposition"
"Well, you had it right. This is really nice"
They looked at the pictures until they realized it was lunchtime. They walked out after complimenting the girl at the front desk, Veronica, with whom Rory had a really nice conversation while Roger was out, smoking.
The two of them walked to the park nearby, got some food and sat on a bench, surprisingly illuminated by the sun. The weather was unexpectedly nice for a normal November, it was warmer than what she was used to and it was not raining. It was actually nice walking in the park without stepping into a poodle every two steps.
Rory realised that they didn't have much to talk about. It was difficult for her to carry a conversation in her time, let alone in a new decade, where she needed to tiptoe around forbidden future events. She was new to this time travel thing, but she knew that the rules of time travel are two: never meet your past or future self (in that case, it wasn't going to be a problem), and never reveal future events or, for any reason, gamble on them.
"Rory" she scoffed hearing her name.
"No, nothing. That's just a particular name. I've never heard it before"
Rory smiled. No one had ever complimented her name, maybe because it was quite common in her time, especially after the success of Gilmore Girls.
"It's actually Eleanor"
Roger immediately thought that it was a beautiful name.
'A beautiful name for a beautiful girl'
Little did he know that many years later, he would name his first daughter with both Rory's name and nickname.
"How did it become Rory then?"
"When I was little i couldn't say Eleanor, apparently there were too many rs" Roger looked at her, giggling.
"What?" she said, smiling back.
"Because in Rory there are less rs?" he asked with a pinch of sarcasm in his voice.
Rory hit his arm, finding his bicep extremely hard. One wouldn't tell just by looking at him, but it was not surprising that he had built a bit of muscle with all the exercise behind the drums.
"Oh shut it Meddows"
Roger stopped laughing for a second.
"How do you know about it?"
Rory blushed. She was supposed to have met Roger just the night before and for sure she was not supposed to know about all of that stuff about him and his band.
Before she could think of an answer, Roger murmured.
"It's Lauren, innit?"
Panicking, Rory nodded.
"For someone who says to hate me, she surely talks a lot about me"
Rory felt bad throwing her mother under the bus, but she thought it was quite funny how much she despised Roger back then, when in the present she was quite amazed, not like she was of John, but now Rory had at least a clue on why her mother was so obsessed with the bassist.

Rory and Roger spent the whole afternoon at the park, walking and chatting. Their hands were slightly touching each other. It was annoying, but none of them wanted to make the first move and was waiting for the other to grab their hand.
After a while it became really annoying.
"Oh Geez, just take my hand already"
Rory burst out, exasperated.
"What?" Roger asked, acting like he didn't know what she meant, but with a smirk that revealed that he knew exactly what was going on.
"Oh shut it, you know exactly what I'm on about" she said, accentuating the movement they had been doing for the last couple of hours or so.
"If you want to take my hand, just do it"
"You've been doing the exact same thing, what don't you take my hand instead"
Rory rolled her eyes and took Roger's hand in hers, intertwining their fingers, and held them in front of his face.
"Happy now?"
"Very" Roger answered with a smirk.
It started getting darker and the pair walked back to the van. Roger drove her home, keeping a hand on her tight.
Roger walked her to the front door of the building.
They stood in front of the door, the awkward silence between the two of them came back.
"I had a really good time today"
Rory nodded. "Yeah me too, we should do it again"
Roger just nodded in agreement.
"Do you want to come upstairs?" she asked, not really knowing what to do. "I would like to, but I feel like Lauren might kill me if I walked into her house twice in a day"
Rory chuckled. "Yeah, we wouldn't want that now, would we"
Rory leaned forward and placed a kiss on Roger's cheek. "Goodnight Meddows"
Somehow it was not annoying when she said it, he actually kind of liked it.

Rory turned to open the door but was stopped by Roger, who grabbed her wrist, spinning her and making her face him.
They were incredibly, dangerously close.
"Can I kiss you?" Roger asked.
Before she could answer, Roger pushed her closer to him and placed a small kiss on her lips.
"Yes, you could" Rory said with a smile, tangling her hands into his hair. Roger kissed her once more.
"Goodnight Eleanor" he said before she walked in.

'Till the end of times -Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now