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Rory heard the annoying noise of her alarm clock ringing. She rolled over in the bed, covering her head with a pillow, hoping to find Roger's body next to her. But the bed was cold. No one had slept with her that night. She sat up, noticing that she woke up in her parents' bed. The alarm was ringing from her phone, which was right next to her.
She turned it off, looking at the date. 25th October 2018. Apparently she was gone for only one night. In one night she experienced 5 years in the past. She started thinking that it might have been only a dream, but then she noticed that she was still wearing Roger's sweatshirt. She took the box from the front pocket, letting all of the pictures fall on the bed and took in her hand the medallion.
Rory walked in the living room, wondering if there would be something different in the house. A book she had never seen caught her attention. It was big and bright red. She sat on the floor, holding it on her lap. She was scared to open it, knowing that might already know what was in there.
When she opened it and she saw a big picture of her and Roger sleeping on the tour bus. She didn't even know that that picture existed. Her eyes filled with tears and the book fell on the ground. An envelope fell from in between the pages. Rory opened it. It was Roger's neat handwriting.

"Rory, my love. God I don't even know what to write. You know I'm not good with words, hell, I wrote I'm in Love with My Car as a metaphor for my love for you because I didn't know how to put down my feelings"
Rory chuckled. 'A good metaphor you found there, Rog'
"I don't even know why I'm bothering to write his letter, knowing that you might never read it. I really hope you do though. I hope that the album I hid at your parents' house stayed hidden until the future you found it and that Lauren didn't throw it away. I collected every picture of you and me together that I could find. A lot were taken by the guys when we were on tour. Those were simpler times. I know it might hurt you, but I included even some pictures of your baby bump, you might want them."
Rory touched her stomach, feeling empty. Now, she had lost her baby and her first love.
"God I'm rambling. Truth is, I'm procrastinating because I know that, if I tell you straight away what I came to tell you in the first place, all of this will be over too soon.
For a moment, a few years back, I thought that we would be together forever. But you're right, you can't change the course of history. Even though it would be fun to change a little particular and see how things would have evolved. Like imagine, you go back in time and stop Julius Caesar from being killed. What would happen? It would be fun. But then again, maybe we wouldn't even be born. Speaking of that, if you stayed here, I think that your parents would have realized, later rather than sooner, that Rory the flatmate was also Rory, their daughter who was dating the Roger Taylor (you used to refer to me like that, remember?). It would have been fun to see how things went down from there.
I'm doing it again, I'm sorry. I keep losing track of what I have to say,because maybe I don't know what I want to say. There are too many things I want to tell you.
I love you Rory and I realise that I didn't say it nearly enough times. I hope I could come with you so that we can live together. I think I might ask Bri about this time travel thing once you're one. I know you didn't want anyone else to know, but Brian is Brian and he is the smartest person I know.
I'm rambling again, sorry.
What was I going to say? I don't even know anymore. I'm just writing what comes to mind.
God, it hurts so bad. Letting you go will be the hardest thing I'll ever do in my life, but I know that's the right thing to do.
I'll keep an eye on Lauren and James for you. I really think she is starting to warm up to me.
Expect to find a Rory Taylor out and about in the future, because I'm naming my daughter after the love of my life. You know, I couldn't make you Rory Taylor and I really think that the world needs one. So I'm saying right here right now that I'm (quite literally) going to make a Rory Taylor, one day.
I really hope I will remember you in the future, because you changed my life for the better, Rory.
Come to find me sometimes.
I'll love you 'till the end of times.
Forever yours, Roger."
Rory noticed that the paper was all wrinkly and there were signs of tears on it. There was no way to know if those were Roger's or hers. She figured that she must have found the book before, because of the open envelope.
She chuckled in between tears. That letter sounded exactly like Roger. She could hear his voice while reading it.

Rory got dressed and grabbed the picture that Roger had taken at her parents' wedding. She stopped at the hardware store on her way to the cemetery and she picked up a nice small frame for the picture.
She placed the frame on their tombstone, covering her legs with the blanket she had taken with her.
"Hi mum, dad. You must be confused. Don't worry I am too. How can I be in your wedding pictures? Trust me, you don't know the end of it"
She sat in the cold talking to her parents for what felt like forever. She had to tell them all about the five years she spent in the 70s.
"It's time for me to go now, see you soon" she said, realising that she was already late for her lecture. She folded the blanket and took out the book she was supposed to read for class and rushed out of the cemetery to the bus stop.
The bus was unexpectedly late. She bolted out on the street when the bus stopped at her stop and ran towards the front door of the building. She had her eyes on the book, trying to finish the chapter before entering the classroom when she bumped into someone and fell butt first on the pavement.
The book with all of the pictures that her parents kept inside fell on the floor. Those were pictures of her mother from the 70s. In fact, she refused to buy the book new and simply used the one that she already had at home, which was previously her mother's. The beautiful pictures of her mum were now all over the humid pavement.
"Let me get those for you" the man she bumped into kneeled to help her gather back her photos, but stopped when he felt a familiar feeling just by looking at them.
He lifted his eyes to meet Rory's. Her heart skipped a beat. She could recognize those beautiful eyes and that beautiful voice anywhere. Rory was paralysed on the floor. She looked like she had just seen a ghost.
That man was Roger and he couldn't move any more than Rory could.
For the past forty years, he had thought he would never see her again.
"Rory" he simply said smiling.
They both stood up. Her lecture was not important anymore. Roger took her hands in his. He could not believe that, after so long, he had finally met her again. Rory threw herself into his arms. She felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.
"My baby is here" he whispered, holding her close "You have no idea how much I missed you"

'Till the end of times -Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now