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A Night at the Opera finally came out and it turned out to be a huge success. Bohemian Rhapsody stayed on top of the charts for weeks and both the album and the single sold millions of copies. But Rory already knew this. They went on a world tour, that this time it also included Australia, and Rory tagged along. During the summer they had scheduled a bunch of gigs around the UK.
Rory's parents got engaged and scheduled their wedding somewhere in October.
It was September. The weather was quite nice but, even though the sun was up in the sky, everyone was quite chilly. The band spent the whole day at Hyde Park planning their last summer gig, a big free concert in the middle of the park. The boys had been rehearsing all day long while the girls were just walking around and going con coffee runs.
The concert was a huge success. There were way more people than expected and it had been professionally filmed.
Roger and Rory were finally laying in bed, exhausted by the long day. The whole day Roger had been joking about how Rory could be tired if she didn't do anything but walking around.
Roger was playing with Rory's hair and she was caressing his chest.
"Rog?" She tried to ask, hoping that he would be asleep.
She needed to talk to him, and she had for a while, but had always procrastinated. What she had to say was not going to be easy, nor painless, but it had to be done.
Roger hummed back, still keeping his eyes closed.
"No, nothing, go back to sleep"
Her voice was broken, as was her heart.
"Something is bothering you, tell me"
She shook her head. "It's not important, don't worry"
"You're thinking about it instead of sleeping, it must be important"
She rolled over, so that she would face him.
"I'm thinking about Dominique"
Roger opened his eyes. "Who?"
"Dominique, the woman we met today"
Roger nodded, not really understanding what she had to do with them.
"I know how the story goes, Rog, and you know I know it"
He sat up, a worried look on his face.
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
Rory looked down, not really knowing if she should tell him.
"I know I'm not supposed to say anything about the future or whatever..."
"What is it?"
"Roger, she's the love of your life, the mother to your children"
Roger swiped away a tear from Rory's face.
"No, you are the love of my life Rory"
She shook her head. "No, I might have been the girl who turned you from a ladies' man into a one-woman's man, but I'm not the love of your life, she is."
"It's not up to you to decide who is or isn't the love of my life"
Roger started getting upset.
"Roger, I saw how you looked at her, you have always been destined to meet"
Roger turned his back to Rory. He had started crying and didn't want Rory to see.
"Rog, please. You know I have to do this"
"No, you don't have to do this, you want to do this"
"No I don't. You know I swore I wouldn't change the past and me staying here would mean that you and Dominique never get children and the story would be rewritten"
"You did change the past by being with me!" Roger let himself go "And besides, I would get your children!"
Rory crawled up to him.
"You know I don't want t do this and that it pains me as much as it pains you-"
"No it doesn't apparently" Roger cut her off.
"Rog, you are my first love as much as I am yours and if I could, I would stay with you forever"
"And why don't you then?"
Roger wasn't angry. Deep down he had always known that Rory, one day, would have had to go back to her time. He was just heartbroken.
Rory sat next to him, taking his hands into hers.
"You know why, Roger, and deep down you know that it's not fair for me to stay here"
He nodded, leaning his head on her shoulder.
"I know, but I was just starting to be truly happy"
He let go some tears that he didn't know he was holding back.
"And you will find happiness again, I promise you. I can't say much, but you're going to have a happy life. Hard times will come, but you'll end up very happy"
Roger placed one hand on his chest.
"It's just hurts, y'know"
"I know, it hurts for me too"
"Why does it have to hurt so bad?"
"That's how you know you're alive"
They laid back, tightly hugging each other.
"When do you want to go back?" Roger asked when he finally found the courage to speak again.
"I think I'll go after my parent's wedding"
Roger counted on his fingers how many days they had left.
"That's...three weeks" he said with a broken voice and Rory nodded.
"Rog?" She asked after a few moments of silence.
"I need you to know that, no matter the decade I'm in, I'll love you 'till the end of times"

The day of the wedding came. It was a small, intimate party. Lauren was so beautiful in her white bohémienne dress. The guests danced all night long and, even if just for a few hours, Rory and Roger forgot that those were the last moments they would spend together.
After the party Roger and Rory walked home hand in hand, in silence, knowing what was about to happen.
Rory had decided that was going to try to get back that night. The longer she stayed, the more difficult and painful it got.
Roger walked out of the toilet, changed into his nightwear, and found Rory in tears sitting on their bed. He walked up to her, hugging her tight. Rory smelled his perfume. She couldn't believe that it was going to be one of the last times she would ever smell him.
"I got you something" said Roger, handing her a small box.
Roger opened with trembling hands. There was a small pack of Polaroid pictures they had taken in the past five years and a small silver medallion with a R engraved on it. She opened it and there was a small picture of Roger. Rory threw herself into Roger's arms, keeping him close to her.
"I made an album with a lot of other pictures and I put it at your parents' house. I hope it will still be there in 2018"
Rory put on the necklace Roger gave her and put the box with the pictures in the pocket of the sweatshirt she was wearing.
They leaned back on the bed. Roger kept Rory close to his chest, feeling her breathe on his naked chest one last time. He kissed her head, intertwining their hands together
Rory hummed back.
"Just tell me one thing. Will I ever have a daughter?"
Rory nodded, losing control over her tears again, remembering that they were so close to have a child of their own.
"Then I promise you that she will be named after you"
Rory climbed on Roger's chest, kissing him gently.
She rested her head on him.
"I'll love you 'till the end of times, Roger" she said, closing her eyes.
'I wish I was back in my time' she thought before falling asleep.
"I love you too, baby" were the last words she heard before falling asleep.

'Till the end of times -Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now