Chapter 1- Promise.

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Authors Note- IMPORTANT.

So ,for those of you who know, my other Keaton Story called "World Of Chances" got deleted. i'm extremely sad, and i'm sorry to all the lovely readers who were reading. ); However, i'm making it up to you guys by writing another stories, and i'm making sure I actually save this one on my computer. Thank you guys for being such lovely readers & fans, and I hope you guys like this story as much as you like the other one<3

"Girl, lay your weary head down,

And i'll fight off the monsters

Underneath your bed

And I love you, to the moon and back." Keaton sung beautifully. His voice was so angelic.

He stared intently into my eyes, waiting for a reaction. "Did you like it?"

"Keaton, I love it!" I screamed as I wrapped my arms around him. He put his guitar down, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Good, I'm glad you did," He said, still not letting me go, "Cause it's for you."

I pulled away from the hug, and. I looked at him stunned. I was at loss for words. He wrote that song for me? Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Keaton, I love you, so much." I said, as I leaned in closer to his face.

"I love you too." He muttered against my lips, before crashing his lips onto mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist again, and laid me on the bed. He put his hands on the bed, and held up his weight with his arms, so he wouldn't fall on me. I flipped him over, so that he was on his back, and gave him one last peck on the lips, before getting off of him.

"I wasn't done." He whined, as he pulled me back on top of him. I giggled at his childishness.

"Yeah, but I had to give you your present too." I excitedly climbed over him, off the bed, and retrieved one of the beautifully wrapped presents in the corner of Keaton's room, and walked back to him.

He sat up, "You know you didnt' have to get me anything."

"Dork, of course I did. It's Christmas!" I giggled as I handed him the present.

"Spending Christmas with you, is the best present I can get." I blushed and looked down. He was so cute when he was being all cheesy.

"Open it!" I smiled as I watched his hands untie the bow, and carefully peel off the wrapping paper. Once he realized what it was, he smiled, and opened it. It was a scrapbook, of all our memories with each other, since we started dating, 2 years ago.

"I love it " He said, as he put the scrapbook down, and walked over to me.

"I got you something too." He said pulling a small box out of his pocket.

I panicked a little. Was it an engagement ring? We're only sixteen!

"Now, It's not an engagement ring," He laughed, seeing my worried face. I sighed, feeling relieved. "It's a promise ring," He continued. "I know we're young, but I love you with all my heart." He opened the box "So promise me, promise me you'll stand by me through everything, that you won't leave. Promise me, that you'll marry me."

He searched my eyes for a reaction. All I could do is cry. My boyfriend is absolutely perfect. I gazed down at the silver ring, that was shaped like an infinity sign with diamonds encrusted in it. Inside the ring, was engraved "Forever and Always."

"Keaton.." I wrapped my arms around him so quickly that he almost fell to the floor. I cried into his chest without saying a word, before looking up. "I promise."

He smiled at me, and took the ring out of the red velvet box, and slipped it onto my finger. It fit perfectly.

"Merry Christmas baby." He whisipered as his arms carressed my face.

"Merry Christmas Keaton." I whispered back as he brought my face closer to his, and pulled me in for another addictive kiss.

"Keaton! Come on! We have to go!" Wes yelled from outside Keaton's door. Keaton pulled away, looked at the door, and looked back at me.

I pulled him in tighter, "Don't leave." I whisipered.

"I have to, but I promise, when I get back from my meeting. I'm all yours for the day." He kissed the top of my head as I finally let him go.

It sucked, but Keaton had an incredibly busy schedule. After him and his band lost X-Factor, Simon decided to sign them. So, Keaton has been busy, doing interviews, going to meetings, in the recording studio, but i honestly didn't mind. He always made time for me, and never made me feel unimportant so, I was happy that his music career was taking off. It's all he's ever wanted, and they worked really hard. I was not going to get in the way of that.

Keaton looked at me before walking out the door, "Do you want Wes to take you home? Or are you going to hang out here?"

"I'll stay here, and help your mom with stuff." I was really close to his family, and this was like my second home.

"Okay, I love you." He walked up to me, and gave me a really quick kiss before walking towards the door again.

"I love you too." I called as he was leaving.

Author's note:

Sorry, that it was short. I hope you guys like this story as much as you liked my other one! Chapter 2 will probably be up later tonight. Again, thank you guys for being so supportive!

I love all of you!

Please, comment, vote, fan, it really means a lot!

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