Chapter 2

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"So how is working with Mr Savage going?" For some reason Serena has now become a shell of who she used to be. When she was promoted to working with Sir she was happy. I gotta I was a bit jealous until I got over myself. "Its good. The pay is great." She tried to sound convincing. "Did he...?" Because she became like this when that pig forced himself on her. When I find he is gonna wish he never touched her or any other girl for that matter.

"What!? No... He is kind and very gorgeous. Its nothing but stress at work thats all." I decided its best I just agree with her. I mean it is possible. My name is Althea Sydney and I am the youngest child in family. I am twenty-one years old. I live with my best friend Serena. We have been friends since kindergarten. I am working at VS Empire under Jones, he is a sex crazed pig. He has tried to get with me but I have rejected more times than I can count.

You might think why not just report him but none of the girls who report him live long enough to tell the story. I have threatened him more times than I can count about this but he has always ignored me and sometimes laugh at me. "Jones still a pig?" Serena questioned while eating her dinner. I nod. "Yes now he has become more daring. He practically groped me saying I am tempting him. Really me. Ugh I hate that pig." I said while the pizza slice into my mouth.

"I can talk to Mr Savage for you." She said. "No thanks. Remember what happened to the girls who reported. I am not about to add to the statistics." I said to her. "You won't. I can ask sir to deal with him." The way she said it is like he will certainly drop everything just to help her. I wonder what happens in his office. I hope she isn't one of his fuck buddies. I just nod wordlessly. "I am gonna turn. Night night." She said while putting the dishes in the sink.

"Sure love. Sweet dreams." I went of to my own room. I am seriously not paid enough to deal with Jones everyday. Just like that I drift off.

Beep... Beep... Beep.

I hate that blasted thing. I picked my alarm clock in my sleep and smashed against the wall. I so wanna go back to sleep but I have to wake up so I have no choice. "Did you break it?" Serena smirks at me. I wave her off. "Yes." I said. "This is the sixth one this month." She states. "And its the seventh of May." I hate it when she mocks me. I hate being waken up okay. Anyway the money for my alarm clocks is part of my monthly budget. "Whatever." The she starts laughing at me.

We finish eating breakfast and leave for work. As we were entering the office building we heard someone calling Serena. "Serena." We stopped and turned to her. Serena visibly gulped. "Ms Savage." She says. Savage is she by any chance related to our boss? "Hi. Vince wants you come to the house today." She said and she completely ignored me... Or so I thought. "Hi I am Vienna." She smiles at me. "Hi. I am Althea please call me Thea." I said. "OK. So what do you say?" She turned to Serena. "Do I have to?" She whispered it out. "Vince doesn't want to come to the office today so..." Vienna said. "So its an order." Vienna nodded at Serena's statement. "I will be there once I am done here." Serena shakingly said.

"One of the deals fell through so he is a bad mood. Try not to push his buttons. I can't handle another clean up. Oh and be there is 25 minutes." Vienna explained. Serena notibly gulped. "What deal?" I ask because I don't remember anyone talking about an important deal recently. Serena and Vienna share a look. "Company secret." Both Serena and Vienna say at the same time. "But isn't one of the rules transparency? What kind of deal doesn't involve employees?" I questioned. Vienna gave it a thought while Serena gave a pleading look that said "drop it." Too bad I am not a dog.

"Mam she doesn't need to know." Serena said quickly. "I like her. Bring her with you." Vienna said and left us. "Why did you call her Mam?" I asked. "She our boss too." Serena said but the frustration is evident in her voice. "Is she related to Vince?" I ask. "I don't know. Why can't you just shut up for a second?" The harshness in her voice takes me by surprise. "What?" I questions. She hails a taxi. I guess I gotta go to work. I turn to go to the office. "Where are you going?" She looked at me. "Work." I answered slowly. She can't possibly be that dumb.

"Get in." I followed her orders. "Merroway road ( don't know if it exists or not.)" She tells the cab driver. He nods. "Where are we going?" I asked. I really can't keep my mouth shut. My mom once said one day I will talk myself into danger. "Since you couldn't keep quite now you will have to meet Mr Savage today of all days." She said calmly. "When we reach there follow these rules to the knicker or else..." I gulp. "1. Don't look directly into madam Tina's eyes. 2. No matter what never say no to Mr Savage. 3. Men there are pigs don't take their comments to heart. 4. If I say run, hide or get down do so without questioning me." Wonder who this madam Tina is? She looked at the cab driver. "Stop here." She paid him a large sum of money. "No one came here today." She threatened. "Yes mam." He nodded but the fear is evident. "5. Silence is your biggest weapon." She said. I nodded going over the rules in my head. Its like I am heading straight into the lion's den.

She keys in the password and we enter. "Hello Ms Haynes." The guard said. "Hie Jon." She smiled at him. "What do we have here?" He looks at me like I am a piece of meet. I am about yo give a piece of my mind when Serena intervenes. "Ms Savage requested her audience. On me I have nothing that might interest you. Oh and watch how you speak to Mr Savage's legal employees. Ones who don't know anything." He nods at her but his eyes don't leave me. I am about to give him a piece of my mind when Serena grabs my hand.

"Silence." She mumbles.

I wish I had known just how much of my life would change when Mr Savage laid his eyes on me. If I had maybe I would have mentally and emotionally prepared myself.

Additional Cast

The rest will be the rest of the cast will make an appearance as the novel commences.

The rest will be the rest of the cast will make an appearance as the novel commences

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Leandra Benton is Alina's best friend and is twenty years old. She is set to marry Dimitri and is very sweet or so she seems to be.

Althea Stone she is Vince's love interest. She does not know when to shut and mostly speaks her mind. Being with Vince allows her to learn that the bark of a dog doesn't scare anyone but its silence is what people fear most. Silence is strength not weakness.

Alina Petrov she is Dimitri's little sister. Out of the whole she doesn't approve of Dimitri leaving Leandra for another woman. She ends up hating her brother's new wife. She is nineteen years old.

Dimitri Petrov runs Petrov Mafia is set to marry Leandra but rejects her because she is not his choice. He is twenty four years old.

Alex Cross is mostly mentioned by name and is the rumored leader of the Shadow team.

Luka Manov he is secretive. Its not a known fact about who he is. He is most likely a ghost.

Lorenzo Valencia is the leader of the Valencia mafia. He has his own skeletons. He will make an appearance soon.

Eleonora Valencia is older than Lorenzo and married. There are many things about but all we know is she is very lethal.

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