Chapter 3

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Yesterday was horrible someone stole merchandise worth $60 000 000 from the main factory. I am livid and Tina is not helping the situation. "Boss." A voice I know all too well called. X
"Hey Serena." She stood there calm is seen on her facial features but her eyes betray her. But one thing or someone catches my eye.  Her beautiful brown eyes filled with mischief. My type of girl. "This is Thea, she works in finance under Jones." Serena introduces her. I smile and nod. "Isn't she supposed to be in the office?" I question a bit agitated that she is working under a pig like Jones.

"Ms Savage took a liking into her." Serena explained. My sister took a liking into her. Interesting. "Serena come here." She enters the room and Thea follows suit. "Does she know?" I asked simply. "No." She answered simply. "Do you want her know?" I ask. "Boss..." I stop her. "How many times do I have to say call me Vince?" I ask with a smile. She loosens a little. "One too many times. But she still doesn't need to know." An underlining order can be heard from her tone.

"Well if Vee took a liking in her, then I like her as well so I want both of you here from now on. Is that understood?" She nods at me. "Vince something went wrong." Vienna said as she entered the room. "One of our mules got caught." Thea is a bit shocked. What a good way to find out about the illegal dealings of the company you work for. "Name, age and product?" I question while looking at the list mules that left the deport today. "Shayne Beckett, sixteen years old and marijuana." Vienna gives me a summary.

"Where is he?" He is too young. Why was he trafficking he should be in school learning well while dealing if his situation is bad. Not travel with higher chances of  ogetting caught. "Being sent to the maximum protection prison. No chance of getting him out without putting ourselves on the line." Vienna explains. "They saw his brand." I state. Knowing very well that if they question him and he falters we are as good as dead. She nods. "Thea, Serena along with Shawn will check this boy out of police custody. Got it?" I order. Serena nods. "Of course sir." Serena nods.

"Vince he has the same attributes as Thea we can say he is her little brother, does that work?" Vienna told me. I nod at her suggestion. "From now you will be working under Serena. But the catch is you will both be getting the same pay." I said. "What exactly does this job entail?" She asks quietly. "Traveling with Vienna and I. Getting people under us out of jail. Keeping account of everyone in the company. Being there when I need you." Only I know what the last part entails. She will know soon enough.

I tested Tina and she failed. She couldn't stop doubting me. While she continued fucking all of her lovers. I turned a blind eye to it but Vienna didn't. Maybe thats why she led me straight to Thea. I will use her for my own benefit and see if she will be willing to be mine. I don't need her to love me but I want her trust me and be unconditionally loyal to me. She is not something bad to look at.

"Okay. Is it legal or illegal?" She questioned still unsure. "Both. Don't worry you are safe from the police for as long as you stay by my side." I said in a way telling her there's no out. "Now you guys go and fix this." I ordered. They left me in peace. "She is just right." Vienna broke the silence. "Yeah. What about Tina?" I ask her. "Not worth it. Plus you are infatuated by her. Keep her close. Let Tina be the catalyst." And just like that I didn't need to break up with Tina but let her do all the work. Just perfect I really like my sister's cunning mind especially if its not targeted at me.

"Fine." I kiss her temple and leave. Time to question my newest addition. Damn I love this. "Nate bring me the hot water." He nods and brings it. "Sir what else?" He asks with an edge to his tone. "Just be on standby." I said. There was a slight fear in his eyes that he quickly replaced with a bored look. He looks beat up. Yesterday was fun. I cut him up and pour lemon juice mixed with salt all over his wounds. Then poured water all over which made his screams of pain even more fun to listen to. The I burnt both his hands and legs.

I poured the water all over him and he screamed out of pain. I love it. "What the fuck?" Still groaning in pain. "Your name is Silva Viyas and you are thirty years old. Wanna tell me who you working with?" I said in a bored tone. "So what? I ain't gonna say shit." He growls out. I just smile at him. "I was hoping you would say that." I punched him right above his temple and he passed out. "Boss you didn't do anything." Nate asked a bit shocked. "I won't do anything to him because someone else will torture him for me." I said.

"Princess I need you to torture someone for me." I said to my little who is seated with Tina and Samantha of course Tina has to be a bitch. "Why ask her? Sam and I can torture better than her." She said. "Because I want her to not you. Now be a good girl and keep you mouth shut. Let's go." I was livid, technically I always am but Tina is so annoying sometimes I wonder what I saw and still see in her. But with Thea in the picture will see how things work out. Bad for Tina but good for me. Depending on how Thea is.

Vienna pulls me out of thoughts. I look at her.

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