Chapter 4

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She is so annoying. Tina thinks by belittling me in front if my brother she will win him over. She got another thing coming. Now that I have put Thea in his way everything will get better. I hope at least. "Who and why?" I draw Vince out of thoughts. "Silva Viyas in connection with the disappearance of our merchandise worth $60 000 000." I nod. All this money needs to be recovered one way or the other. I mean we can make this money in a week at most but that doesn't mean we can just forget someone stealing from us.

"Meet you there." I said. I went to my pets. I open the cage and see them lounging on in the grass. They are dangerous when hungry. Thats why I made sure they were fed before entering the cage. I fed them enough to stop them from killing me. "Guys get over here." I call unto them. They come to me. The first time they did that I was super scared. "Come follow me and no attacking people you don't know."

There are four tigers

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There are four tigers. They are all from different litters but were raised together so they can share a territory. Blue and Artemis are females while Beast and Grey are males.

They do as told as they know its feeding time. They follow me closely and I also keep an eye on them. "Hello." I answer. "I found them. I am bringing them in. Will be there in a few." Faizal tells me. "OK, see you soon." The call gets disconnected. We reach the torture chambers shortly. Everything has been set up for me. Perfect. The tigers hang around at the back. The new recruits have seen them and are clearly distressed.

"You can leave now." Faizal says when he enters with newest addition to the torture session. I look.out round and see shock in Nate's eyes, I wonder. "That's if you chicken out. Its gonna get messy." But as these new people will have it no one is willing to be known as a chicken. The old recruits who can't handle it practically run out of here.

I pour the water all over him and he wakes up. "Not using hot water." He smirks when he sees me before suggestively giving me a once over look. "Vince couldn't get answers out of me whatchu gonna do?" He mocks with a smirk. I plan on removing that. "This." I pull his youngest daughter into his sight. His smirk immediately drops and fear sets in. "You see I need info and you will tell me or..." I look at his daughter who is silently crying. Strong girl. "Blue." She comes and stand to my and just like that I am between the tiger and his daughter.

"Are you willing to talk or you want her to be the next meal for my tiger?" He looks around and no one is willing to help him. Then an idea, it shows on his face but to most he seems bored by this. I am good at reading people his fear showed even though it was instant thats more than enough to know he loves his illegimate daughter. "I don't care about her. Go ahead and kill her." The so called mother does absolutely nothing instead a small smile graces her face. Proving my theory. His parents beg for the safety of their grand daughter.

"Okay then. Blue enjoy." Her screams fill the room and the new recruits are frozen in fear. While most of us almost feel sorry for her. Poor child. "Blue stop." She freezes at Vince's command. "Tell me or her death is inevitable." I say looking at her. Her injuries are bad she will die in a matter of seconds. "She will die anyway. Plus like I said I don't luv her so..." He snarls at me but the pain in his voice betrays him. "You really hate its fine. Finish her." I order Blue and she does. Her white fur covered in blood.

"You see I have your wife and son, mother and father with me and three hungry tigers. Talk or watch each everyone of them die." I threatened him but he smiles. "What's the point? Once I give you the information you will kill them. So just go ahead." He said tears filling his eyes. I let mine soften a little. "If you tell us the info we need, your family and you will not be killed by me." I said knowing full well that he will still be killed. "Make a promise and I will do it. Promise you will not order the tigers to attack us nor will you tell any of them to kill us." A promise in the mafia must be kept. I nod. "I promise I won't kill you nor will I order the tigers to do so nor will I tell them to kill you and your family." I give him my word. But him and his family will die just not at my hands.

"Some guy named Alex Cross, gave me $30 000 000 to do it. I was supposed to steal the merchandise and send it to his informant." He said. "Who is Alex Cross?" I ask him. "He said he is part of the Shadow team. He said its time for shadows to come of the dark and rule." Silva explains. "What does he look like?" Vince questions him. "We only spoke through text messages. We never met in person." He answered truthfully. "Who is his informer?" This question from Faizal catches him by surprise. "Boris Jones." He said. Ahh the pig Jones was involved. "Okay then thank you for the service." I said to him. And almost immediately Faizal put a bullet right in the middle of his forehead and killed his entire family.

"Guys enjoy your meal." I tell my tigers. And they eat. Blue does also join in on the fun. "But didn't you promise him his life?" One of the new recruits asked. "Yeah." Nate supports him. "I didn't promise him, his life. He just assumed that we agreed with the promise Vivi made. Vivi kept her promise and she didn't kill him." They filled in the blanks on their own.

Once full I take them into the cage. They are full for today. I love my pets well they belong to my brother but I took care of them since he was always busy. But the will always listen to my brother more than they listen to me.

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