chapter 5

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Sky followed me a little bit later.


On our way home Sky fell asleep

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On our way home Sky fell asleep. Now i need to carry two. I turned on some music, but quiet. Shortly after I pulled into our driveway. I undid my seatbelt and took Chris on my arm. I go directly to Chris room. I put him into his bed. I would change his clothes, after i brought Sky in. I go back outside and carry her in bridal style. I put her into our bed and changed her clothes into another shirt from me. I put her under the blankets and goes into Chris room. I changed his clothes and put him under the blankets too. Then I quickly showered and went to bed. Sky snuggled up to me and after that I fall asleep.

I woke up to the amazing smell of bacon and my favorite laughs. I walked in the kitchen and saw Sky making pancakes and bacon and egg again and Chris telling her jokes. I kissed Chris on top of his head and hugged Sky from behind. 'Good morning mi amore.' I whisper and placed a kiss on her cheek. 'Good morning babe.' she turned around and gave me a kiss. 'Did you sleep well?' 'good and you?' 'like a baby'. Sky turned around and grabbed the plates with egg and bacon and pancakes. I sit down next to Chris and we're waiting for Sky.

'I think we should marry again.' I said between some bites. 'What?' 'We should marry again. A big wedding, with you in a white dress, not our uniform. With your siblings and the 118 and probably some guys from the army.' 'I would love that.' 'So that's a yes?' 'Of course it's a yes.' The next thing I know was, how my body collided with Sky. 'You're making me the happiest man right now.' 'And you are making me the happiest woman. I love you babe.' 'I love you too mi amore.' We finished eating and drove to the house to sign the contract.

~at the house

We signed the contract and transfer the money and now this beautiful house is ours. We got the keys and the old owner left after. Chris is sitting in the dining room, while Sky and I are going through the house. When you enter the house, there is a entrance area. On the left is the door to the garage. On the right is the living room with a terrace. Next to the living room is an open kitchen with a dining room right next to it. A door leads you back into the hall. Across from the dining room is a little bathroom. And a room next to it, which is going to be a guestroom I think. At the end of the hall is a staircase. When you go upstairs the hall is like a O. On each side are 2 rooms and a bathroom. Sky's and my room is the first one on the left and which is a really big bedroom with a beautiful balcony. The next room is a walk-in closet with a door into the hall and our bedroom. The next is a big bathroom with a shower and a bathtub. The next one is another bedroom. Chris' room is the first one on the other side. Then there is another bathroom, but a smaller one. And after it is another bedroom. On the back is a little hall because there is a door to a big balcony for everyone. From up there you can see every spot of the garden. On each side of the hall is a room, but I don't know, for what we are using them.

We love this house and I can't wait to open this new chapter in our life, with the new house and Sky joining the LAFD.


This chapter is a little short, but I hope you like it anyways.

I'm sorry it took me so long to update, but I needed to to some stuff for school.

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