Chapter 15

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Leda's POV

I was shaking. Today was the day we would take the roadtrip. It had been two weeks. I saw his van, and ran through the drizzling rain. I hopped in, and I planted a kiss on his cheek. He gave me a wide smile. We talked the whole trip about pointless things, and at one point we talked about his sister.

"So she lives with Randy. Yeah, never sleeping in his room again." He chuckled.

"I bet! Why does she hate me?" I asked.

"You will find that out today." He mumbled, and turned and winked at me.

About 3 hours later we pulled onto this road, and it was pouring hard. The road was dirt, which was now  technically mud. I felt the car stop, and I looked at Devon confused. He looked pissed.

"Well my car is stuck in the mud. And where I want to go is a few miles more down  this road. You want to have our talk now?" He asked. I nodded my head, and put he put on music.

"Me or you?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter. You pick." He mumbled, as we went towards the back of his van.

"Okay. I will start." My hands started shaking.


Devon's POV

She was trembling.

"I am not going to judge you. I promise." I whispered. She took a deep breathe and started.

"Okay well, my mom is always expecting me to be perfect. And my dad is never around. Well he and her are getting a divorce. And well I used to play this game with guys. And god, I swear I am not playing with you. Well I used to flirt with guys and get them to fall for me. Then I would completely dump them. Some of the things I did to those guys, I hate myself for. I even dated these triplets at the same time. When they found out, it was bad. And well. God. Devon, your not like them. I felt so closed off from the world, and you brought me back. You make me feel like something is real." She kept her eyes down. I lifted up her chin, and kissed her as if it would be the last time.

"What we have is real." I stated, and she nodded. She seemed relieved.

Hope dangles on a string

Like slow spinning redemption

Winding in and winding out

The shine of it has caught my eye

And roped me in

So mesmerizing, so hypnotizing

I am captivated


I am Vindicated

I am selfish

I am wrong

I am right

I swear I'm right

I swear I knew it all along

And I am flawed

But I am cleaning up so well

I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself

So clear

Like the diamond in your ring

Cut to mirror your intentions

Oversized and overwhelmed

The shine of which has caught my eye

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