Chapter 25

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Leda's POV

It has been a few hours since I called him. I sat there in a park, not knowing where I was. After I had talked to him I went and got food, then I went a drove around. It was about 10 oclock right now, and I was watching cars go by. I rocked on my swing back and forth. I had been thinking of my options all day.

1) Not tell anyone and abort it

2) Tell someone and talk about it

I chewed on my lip feeling the tears fall. I couldn't abort a baby that was made out of love, but it kept seeming like it was the right option. Part of me wish I hadn't done that to Devon, and that I had him holding my hand right now. I couldn't keep him. The more I kept thinking of this all made me think of how my parents got together.

I won't let history repeat.

I sighed, and looked down at my stomach. I gained a little weight, but nothing to be concerned about. I looked at the stars, and wished to the world that things would be alright with everything. I looked down at my turned off phone. I pressed the on button, and within seconds my phone was on vibrate.

I opened my text messages, and there were about 15. 8 of them from Lay, and 7 from Brad. I noticed I had a voice message so I called my voice mail and put in my password. I thought it was going to be Lay's voice but instead it was Devon's.

"Hey, Leda. I am sorry you feel that way about us, but I still love you. I love you enough to be looking through the town right now. Everyone is worried sick about you. The doctors called today, and told your mom you ran out. None of us have heard from you. Please be safe. Well, I love you. Bye." And with that there was an audible click. I played it two more times.

I texted Brad to tell everyone I am safe, and to meet up with him. But alone. I knew if anyone could help me it would be him. After I sent the message, my phone started to buzz. He was calling me.

"Hey." I said into the phone.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He screamed.

"Out." I said, a biting tone in my voice.

"We have been worried about you. Where are you?" He asked, more calm now.

"I don't want to say. But meet me at the mall parking lot, and I swear if anyone is there with you I will leave." I said, and hung up. I knew no one would be at the mall because it was closed.

I drove there, thoughts running through my head of what I was going to say. A big part of me just wanted to get rid of whatever was growing in my stomach. I stopped at the red light, and noticed a green van pass the intersection infront of me. Tears welled up once again, but I refused to let them fall. I pulled into the deserted parking lot, waiting for Brad. I opened my door, and walked to the back of my car. I hopped up, and laid back staring at the glitching light. I heard his car pull in, and I waited for him to sit next to me. I felt him climb up, but didn't dare look at him yet. I felt his hand grab mine, and my head shot towards him.

"What's wrong?" Brad asked.

"I have a problem." I said, leaning back. Much calmer then earlier.

"I know, you broke up with Devon. I am not going to play middleman between you two. That's up for your ownselves. I won't deal with this relationship shit. I mean who the hell breaks up with someone they love. You hurt my bro. I shouldn't even be here. I can't believe you hurt him like that. I fucking hate that I have to play nice-" He rambled.

"I'm pregnant." I cut him off. His mouth shut, then fell open.

"But, I, what?" He looked confused.

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