The Captain Of The Football Team Chapter 22

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I felt his warm hands go under my shirt, slowly, and they rest on the clasp of my bra. I felt Jake smile as he slowly began to unhook it.

I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. “I can’t keep doing this…”

“Doing what?” he asked looking at me.

“Hooking up with you but knowing you’re going to sleep with the next easy girl you see.”

“I didn’t sleep with her…Once you left I told her to go home…”

“…Still doesn’t make it right.”

“Toni…I like you but you seem to always be pushing me away.”

I looked at him and sighed. “How did this turn into a mess?”

“I think I had something to do with that,” Jake said chuckling. He pulled me into a hug and held me close to him.

I kissed him and his hands slowly fell to my butt. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and held on to him tightly, debating on how far I wanted to go with him.

I started to unbutton his shirt as Jake smiled and rested his hands in my back pockets. Once his shirt was undone he pulled me close to him. My hands, timidly, roamed his chest before pulling off his shirt. I pulled away to admire him. Once I looked him in the eyes again and pushed him on the bed. I walked over to him slowly and seductively as I ran my fingers through my hair.

“I like you a lot Jake, but I don’t want to get hurt again. I need to know that you like me just as much as I do.”

“Babe, I’m not going to hurt you…” he said as he leaned up to kiss me. I kissed back before pulling away.

“Prove it…” I said before walking away. I headed towards the kitchen to find Liam. It was time for me to leave but I didn’t want to go alone.

Liam was drinking a beer while talking to a teammate rather loudly; I smiled and shook my head. Liam was pretty drunk.

Once he saw me his face lit up as soon as he saw me.

“Toni!” he said as our teammate, Kyle, turned around.

“The girl of steel!” Kyle said grinning, also pretty drunk.

I smiled and joined them. “Liam, I think it’s time for us to go.”

“Whatever the pretty lady wants! See you tomorrow, Kyle,” Liam said before we left the kitchen. Liam and I made our way out of the party and we headed to our dorm together, making small talk.

Once we reached the door, I let us in and we headed to our rooms.

“You know…” Liam said facing me. “I haven’t hooked up with anyone since Lisa and I started talking. It isn’t easy, I mean…I really wanted to get with you but I didn’t. All I’m saying is, cut Jake a little slack. He’s a whore and it’s hard for whores to get out of there old ways. He’s trying isn’t he?”

“Have you ever felt heartbreak?”


“Well I have and it sucked. I refuse to go down the bumpy unsure road again.”

“All I’m saying is give him a chance…” Liam said leaning again the wall.

“I don’t know…”

He walked over to me and gave me a hug. I smiled and hugged him back.

Liam pulled away to look at me and before I knew it we were in a full blown make out. Apart of me was stunned and the other part kind of happy. I mean if Jake could have meaningless flings than shouldn’t I?

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held my waist gracing my boob with his thumb.

A little thought screamed “Lisa!” in the back of my head and I pulled away.

“What?” he asked. “Was it the boob grace? It was an accident, not really but sure?”

“No…Lisa…she really likes you and you like her and I like Jake and I can’t be a hypocrite.”

Liam licked his lips and smiled a little, “Goodnight Toni.”

“Night Liam,” I said smiling.

He gave me one last kiss before walking into his room.


I came back from a long run the next morning and walked into the kitchen area.

“Hey,” I said breathlessly to Liam as I opened the fridge.

“I’m sorry about last night…”

“Don’t be…you helped in the end.”

“Good,” he sighed. “I talked to Lisa this morning and I purred my heart to her, just to find out that she has a boyfriend now…”

“What?” I asked putting two frozen waffles in the toaster.

“That’s what I said. Apparently I waited too long…”

“I’m so sorry…”

“Don’t be…I think I finally know what heartbreak feels like…” he chuckled. “Still have a thing for Jake?”

I smiled, “unfortunately.”

Liam laughed. “Don’t wait too long to go for him.”

I nodded my head as Liam stood up. “Play offs all this week, get excited babe!”

“You know I am!” I said as the toaster popped.

He smiled as he walked away leaving me to my half ass snack and thoughts. 

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