The Captain Of The Football Team Chapter 24

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“One more time around,” Jake said as we slowly walked towards my dorm room. We’ve been walking around my floor for the pasted hour just hanging out. He held my hand a little tighter as we reached my dorm.

“It’s midnight and we have practice tomorrow.”

“So…” he asked pulling me towards him.

I smiled and rested my hands on his shoulders, “I’ll see you tomorrow super star.” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking into my dorm.


“Alright men!” Coach said as we gathered around him after our last practice. “This is what we’ve been working for. This very game! Tomorrow we’re leaving our hearts on the field. I want you to give me everything you have tomorrow. Rest up! Stretch! And make sure to eat well. Give me a nice loud cheer!”

We all put our helmets in and Jake led us in a cheer. 

This week was hectic.

Everyone was pumped for our Championship game. I barely had a life outside of late practices and classes.

Jake and I only saw each other at practice and texted each other when I had free time. But tomorrow, when we win, it’ll all be worth it.

The next morning I woke up a little later. Janet and I did yoga with the boys before a big breakfast that Janet made for us.

I spent most of my morning getting ready to tonight. I had to keep myself busy or else the nerves will take over.

“You have a visitor,” Liam said walking into my room as Jake walked in behind him.

Janet smiled at me before following Liam out into the living room.

“What’s up?” I asked as I put my compression shorts in my gym bag.

“I missed you,” Jake said simply with a smile on his face.

I smiled. “You missed me?”

“Yeah,” he said pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and rested my head on his chest. “I’m starting to like you way too much.”

“Is that a bad thing?” he asked wrapping his arms around me tighter.

“It could be…” I said looking up at him.

Jake simply kissed me before releasing me. I went back to getting ready while Jake sat and watched me.

“Three more hours,” he said once I sat down next to him.


“Let’s go of a drive.”


“Anywhere, I’ll get you back in time,” he extended his hand to me. I smiled and took it.

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