The Captin Of The Football Team Chapter 3

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I hurried back to my room. The guys and Janet were already there.

"Jan, I need you," I said walking to our room.

"What?" she asked.

"I need you to be me,"

"Already?" she whined.

"Yes, that jerk football star is getting annoying and he needs to learn to not mess with me,"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked.

"Yup," I said.

She rolled her eyes and got dressed.

Once we were finished Janet looked like me and I looked like a boy.

I pull it off quite nicely.

Janet walked out to the boys and they thought that she was me.


I walked out and they freaked out a little.

"Chill," I said. "It's me,"

"Janet?" Liam asked.

"No!" she screamed. "Hi,"

"Whoa, wait, I'm confused," Joel said.

"Them tag along," I said smiling.

The boys followed us out of the room and to where the football star was.

"Hi," Janet said smugly.

She knows me so well.

"What's up babe?"

"Don't call me that,"

He rolled his eyes. "You know you want me,"

"in your dreams,"


"Okay," I said. "Toni, is this the guy you were talking about?"

"Yeah, babe, he doesn't seem to understand that I have friends in high places,"

I smirked at the jerk and he smirked back.

"Leave my girl alone," I said slowly.

"Or?" he challenged.

My evil plan is working.

I balled up my fist and punched him in the jaw.

He stumbled back then charged at me.

I was quick enough to avoid his punches but he wasn't.

I punched him in the stomach and he fell on his back I continued to punch him repeatedly.

"Have you had enough?" I asked in my regular voice.

"What?" he asked.

I grinned and took off my hood and let my hair down.


"That's right babe," Janet said.

"And you just got beat up by a girl,"

His buddies started to laugh and he glared daggers at me.

"Next time you'll learn to leave me alone," and with that I walked away.

"You'll be sorry for this,"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said waving my hand dismissively.

Once we were back in the dorm the boys were in awe with me.

"How?" Joel asked.

"I'm a football player and I know where to hit to make it hurt,"

"Really?" Liam asked.


"We're on the time too. You do know what you beat up the captain of the football team?"

"Yeah, I guessed," I said taking off my boy clothes.

"You're going to be in deep-" Joel started.

"I can handle him," I smiled.


"You so owe me," Janet said.

"I know,"

"He was so hot," she continued.

"all the guys you date are hot jerks,"

"Hot, being the main word. Plus you scare them away,"

"Is it my fault they mess with me?"

"Ugh! It sucks being the pretty twin,"

I rolled my eyes. "It sucks being the tough twin,"

"Tomorrow we have football practice," Liam reminded me.

"Thanks," I said sitting down.

The Captin Of The Football TeamWhere stories live. Discover now