The Captin Of The Football Team Chapter 19

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I finished my last squat and put the barbell on the rack. I ran my fingers threw my hair and sighed. I had a lot on my mind.

After fighting with Jake not only am I confused about him but I’m stressed out about finding a major. I had to find a major and soon. My parents wouldn’t be happy knowing that I still haven’t deiced yet.

I picked up the bar to start doing some deadlifts. “Need a spotter?”

I looked in the mirror and saw Jake walking over to me.

“I’m good,” I said hoping that he would leave.

“Are you sure?” he asked. I nodded my head as he stood next to me.

“What are you doing here anyway? Practice is over.”

“I could ask you the same thing,” I said putting the barbell back down.

“Ladies first.”

“I have a lot on my mind…”

“As in?”

“Finding a stupid major,” I said sitting down.

“Well what are you good at?” he asked.

“Other than football, art and photography …nothing,” I said before sighing.

“Well what do you want to be?” Jake asked sitting next to me.

“At first a princess, then a vet, then a lawyer, then a rockstar, then a teacher then I stopped caring about what I wanted to be.”

“You’ll figure it out. I didn’t know till last year.”

“What’s your major?”

“Business. I want to know what my manager is talking about if I get traded or something.”

I nodded my head and chewed on my finger nail.

“Also…I want to start an organization, or something, to help kids. Whether it’s to help them follow their dreams or to help them get a healthy meal or to give them a place to sleep and feel safe; I just want to help them.”

I looked over at him. “That’s a really good idea. It’s so selfless and amazing…”

Jake smiled. “Thanks, I’m not sure about the details yet.”

I started to chew on my nail again. A few seconds passed before Jake looked over at me again.

“You are an amazing person, Toni, you just have to believe in yourself.”

“I do, it’s just…I don’t know! The only thing I’m good at is football and I can’t get a job for that. I can’t play in the NFL. No one will take me seriously.”

“Just follow your dreams, your passion, your heart. You’ll be surprised at what you can do.”

“How do you know football is going to workout for you?”

“Coach sat me down one day after practice. I was a freshman. It was the first time he called me by my name… He said ‘Jake, son, you got a real special gift; a talent that I haven’t seen since I played football. You could easily make it to the NFL if you play your cards right. Be smart, son’. He told that he had gotten his high school sweetheart pregnant his senior year of college. He was so concerned about her and the baby, he forgot all about his football carrier. Football is my passion and I’m not going to let anything get in my way of that. I could make it to the NFL. I’m going to.”

“You’re so sure.”

“It’s my passion, Toni.”

I nodded my head as Jake stood up. “So need a spotter?” he asked.

“You know this is our first real conversation.”

Jake smiled and nodded. “Yeah, it’s nice.”

“Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?” I asked standing up.

“I don’t know… the rest of the team seems to like you so…”

I smiled. “Whatever. I don’t need a spotter. I’m almost done anyway.”

“Oh, well…I’ll see you around then.”

“Big game on Thursday. You’ll see me around plenty.”

“True….” Jake walked away as I picked up the barbell.


After Coach gave us his little speech about teamwork and playing hard we ran out to the field and started our workup. The cheerleaders started their cheers as we got ready.

A few minutes later Coach called us over to a huddle.

“I want to run mud, brown and green. No turn overs and I do not want to see a game like the first one. West give the ball to Scott during green. I want her to run it up the field. Use your speed to get down.”

I nodded my head.

“Defense! You guys need to stay tight! No mercy.”

“Yes Coach!” they said.

“Alright! Make me proud boys.”

Jake lead the cheer and the offensive line ran onto the field. I got into my place for mudd and the game started.


I left the locker room and waited for Travis to come out. I guess he was celebrating with the rest the team.

We smoked the other team.

Coach was beyond ecstatic.

I leaned up against the wall as I waited. We were going to have dinner together while Jake had his party.

“What are you doing here?”

Speak of the devil; he comes.

“I’m waiting for Travis…” I said as Jake walked over to me.

“He should be out an second,” he said joining me.

“You don’t have to stay…”

“I want to. You played well out there.”

“Don’t sugar coat! You know I was amazing.”

“Alright Ms. Modest! You were amazing.”

I smiled. “I know!”

Jake laughed. “So, you two coming or…?”

“We have dinner plans,” I said giving Jake a slight smile.

“Damn, I was hopping for a dance,” he said winking.

“You’re out of luck kid.”

“I guess so,” he said as Travis walked out of the locker room.

“Later,” he said walking away.

I smiled as Travis put his arm around me.

“You two seem close…”

“He’s turning over a new leaf,” I said shrugging.

“Well, good for you two,” Travis said kissing me.

I smiled and headed to his car.

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